chapter 15

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The day

Today is the day. Shubman's and ishan's engagement day. Everything is ready. Everyone is present in the venue to witness the engagement of the two young lads who are going to seal the deal to be each other's forever with rings. Only a few are invited.

But the thing is everyone is running here and there searching for something the whole venue is chaos some are shouting, some are searching, some stood there in disbelief while looking at shubman who is giving a nervous glance to the heated gazes directed towards him. So you guys must be confused of what happened. Let's go back to two hours before


Two hours before

Shubman's family and the whole ICT is present here except Rohit and ritika because they will come along with ishan's family. Shubman is getting ready with the help of his handsome brothers. After a few minutes he was ready

 After a few minutes he was ready

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(Shubman's outfit)

He turned around from the mirror and some whistles and comments were thrown on him. Oye hoye shubi you look stunning said Harry the hardik pandya. Shubman thanked him and siraj the savage one said he looks good Bhai but ishan will sweep him off the floor with his look everyone chuckled at his remark. Judging by the behaviour of ishan i say he will be fanning over shubman right after the moment he saw him said Rahul the silent killer.

Everyone has to agree to that because they know ishan and his obsession with his prince charming don't blame him everyone will be obsessed with the CEO'S charm. Everyone heard a knock on the door and all the wife's came into the view. The men who were married went to their wife's abandoning shubman who stood in disbelief because of the betrayal.

The ladies laughed at his reaction. And Surya said Bhai wait a little more your darling will be here and you won't even need us anymore then shubman's cheeks flushed in red colour and looked down. Everyone was amused to see him like that because the shubman they knew was cold and distant and his face is void of any emotion but they are happy to see the change in him.

Virat chuckled and went beside shubman and hugged him and said oye no one teases my baby bro like this and they heard a voice saying look the big brother mode is on and everyone turned in the direction of the voice and saw Rohit coming inside the room. Everyone laughed at that.
Seeing Rohit here the ladies went away knowing ishan is here.

Shubman's heart raced at the thought of seeing ishan. Oh stupid heart slow down or else I'll die before I see my darling. And he calmed himself and the men stayed there with shubman .

On ishan's side shubman's family welcomed ishan and his family and their relative's. Ishan hugged both shubman's mum and dad and then he went to hug shahneel who is smiling fondly at him. The elder's away with shubman's mother and father while ishan went to a room assigned for him with Ritika,shahneel and mayank.

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