chapter 17

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It's been two weeks since their engagement everything is normal. Shubman and ishan are meeting once in a while when they had free time. Right now shubman is his office when he got a call from Rohit. He answered the call

Shubman : hello ro Bhai?

Rohit : hii shubi how are you bhacha?

Shubman : I'm fine Bhai what about you and bhabhi

Rohit : we are fine shubi. I called you to inform that me and ritika arranged a gathering in our house so you have to be there and everyone will be there.

Shubman : oh okay Bhaiyya I will be there see you soon.

Rohit : see you soon shubi bye

Shubman ended the call and started finishing his work. And after a few hours he completed his work. He gathered his things and went out of the company after informing his PA to complete the task about the upcoming deal.

Shubman reached his home and went inside to see his mother there. His mom saw him and said you came shubi go and freshup I will serve you the food and shubman nodded and went away to his room to freshen up. After a few minutes he came back and changed into something comfortable and went downstairs.

Shubman's mother served him the food and asked about his father and sister. His mother replied that his father went to finish some work and shahneel went to her friends house. He finished eating and went to his room. He texted ishan and they chatted for like an hour or so and shubman slept for a little while.

It was evening when he woke up. He went to fresh up and get dressed for the gathering something comfortable not too much stylish. He went down and saw everyone is ready so shubman is driving while everyone made themselves comfortable in their seats. Soon they reached Rohit's house and saw everyone's cars parked around there. After getting down shubman parked his car and went inside.

Ishan saw shubman coming so he ran and hugged him.shubman hugged him back and they both went inside and sat on the floor mat making themselves comfortable.
Everyone is talking and cracking jokes while laughing.
After sometime Rohit and ritika stood up and everyone turned to them confused.

Rohit cleard his throat but siraj said arey Rohit bhaiya take Vicks and Rohit glared at him everyone burst out laughing. Ritika held his hand and Rohit calmed himself so everyone I'm happy that you guys are enjoying the gathering but the ultimate reason for this gathering is I have a good news to share and just then Virat said something me and nush have something to share too. Now everyone is in anticipation to know what they gonna say.

Rohit said quickly first you say vi. Virat shook his head in a no way and said no you go first after me and just like that they started arguing while everyone sighed being done with that two grown ass men. Fed up with both of them ritika and Anushka yelled stop it both of you Virat and Rohit shut their mouths no words are coming from their mouths.

Ritika said so everyone the good news is I'm pregnant everyone stopped what they are doing no one said anything and Anushka was also shocked but said  umm may be the thing we have to share is similar to this everyone I'm also pregnant. Okay?? What !? Now everyone was even more shocked to react like they both just dropped the bomb out of nowhere.

Everyone came out of trance when Virat and Rohit hugged eachother yelling in happiness. Everyone stood up and shouted in happiness hugging and congratulating the couple's. After a few minutes jaddu started giggling and Harry asked jaddu something jaddu whispered something and they both cackled up hard. Everyone asked what's so funny but they are just rolling on the floor laughing. Rahul got irritated and asked oye tum dono hogaya tumahara? Ab hum ko bhi batao ki what's so funny? They both stopped laughing but still giggling harry said jaddu asked me a riddle

And what is it ? Everyone demanded Harry asked them
So which key is hardest to turn? Everyone started to think while both giggling. Everyone said they don't know so jaddu said " don-key" and both harry and jaddu started laughing like hyenas while everyone gave them weird looks.

Rohit said come on everyone leave the weirdos let's go and have dinner and everyone went away leaving the two, after a minute or so they looked around to see no one was there so they ran away to the dining area yelling how they could do this. Everyone laughed while seeing the two. They all started having dinner while talking and after dinner they sat in the backyard and started playing games and having fun.

Everything is so perfect everyone is happy but something is awaiting for shubman and ishan which could hurt both of them. But they are too happy to know or sense anything bad.
To be continued

Hey y'all thank you being patient with me so I wanted to update you guys a chapter. Here Is it enjoy and i know this may not be the best but i tired. Forgive me if there any grammatical mistakes.

 Forgive me if there any grammatical mistakes

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Me getting dolled up to stir the story. Let the drama begin

Thank you for reading.

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