chapter 31

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Shubman and the whole ICT were ready to leave to bring back their ishan. Shubman's parents along with ishan's parents blessed them and told them to be careful. Shubman hugged ishan's parents.

Bring our Ishu baby back shubi beta i know you and your brothers will brink him back take care bhacha ishan's mother kissed his forehead. Ishan's father hugged him. Then he went to his parents and his father hugged him and patted his back. His mother is crying to let him go. He hugged his mother softly.

Maa.. don't worry nothing will happen to us. I will bring ishan back if I didn't then bhaiyyas will brink our Ishu without m- shubman's mother choked on her sob hearing that. He immediately regretted saying those things. Everyone glared at him especially the ladies. He gulped at the intensity and patted his mother's back.

Baby pls take care and come home soon with my cute son in law or else I'll break your legs. Shubman thought his mother is joking but looking at her face he knew he was in trouble he nervously nodded his head. Now he went to Anushka who was looking away from him. Her heart is aching to let shubman go cause he is a kid to her and her husband. He sighed and embraced her she immediately clung to him.

Bhabhi I'll be fine don't worry anushka shook her head in denial to let him go. She could sense that something bad is going to happen. He looked around and found ritika sniffling too he signed to her to come to him. She immediately went inside his embrace. He stood there with the both ladies crying. Everyone's heart ached at that sight.
He kissed both of their heads they let him go.

Now everyone one after one went outside to the bus that's been waiting for them. Shubman was about to leave but a tug at his shirt stopped him. He turned around to see his sister's teary eyes shubman's eyes softened at the sight he saw his sister cry a little rare she was always been the strong and composed one between them his heart ached to see his sister cry he immediately embraced her bringing her into his chest.

Sh-shubi don-nt go na shubi i h-have this b-bad feeling tha-t something is g-gonna happen. As she said those words Anushka froze on her spot. She closed her eyes to pray to God mentally to not let anything happen to any of them. Shubman hugged his sister and kissed her forehead. They broke the kiss.

Di.. I'll be back with ishan and everyone fit and fine don't worry okay take care of yourself, mum and dad. He said bye to the rest and joined the ict who are waiting for them in the bus. He settled himself beside Virat. The driver of the bus started driving towards the destination with the cops tagging along the bus.

Shubman dropped his head on virat's shoulder who was busy in thinking. He snapped his head to side to see his kid deep in thoughts. He knows shubman is blaming himself for whatever happened with ishan but no it's not his fault. He wrapped his hand around shubman's shoulder bringing him close to himself. He kissed his forehead.

Don't worry baby we will bring our Ishu back shubman held virat's hand tightly.

I don't know bhaiyya I want everything to be normal everything to be okay I want my Ishu with me without any problem. What we did to experience this bhaiyya? What did my ishan did to deserve this? This is all my fault bhaiyya shubman let his vulnerable side out. Virat's heart clenched looking at his kid dwelling up in sarrow and guilt.

No shubi nothing is your fault bhacha nothing is in our hands. Don't worry sab theek ho jayega bhacha tumahara Ishu tumahara paas aajayegi. He comforted his kid. Shubman hugged Virat knowing his brothers are there for them but he can't help himself not to think about everything. How are you baby? I don't know how you are feeling. This is all my fault I shouldn't have left you like that. I'm sorry darling I'm really sorry your maan is bad forgive me love. I'm coming for you darling wait for me. I will show him what I will do when someone touches you i promise you baby mark will see hell. Please just wait for me darling.... Shubman's eyes shedded tears while thinking about ishan.

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