chapter 46

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The next morning when Shubman woke up due to the ringing of his mobile. He groaned and immediately picked up the phone so as not to disturb ishan. He saw his mother calling him. He answered it

Shubman's mother: hello shubi bhacha

Shubman: haa maa

Shubman's mother: shubi wake ishan up and both of you come downstairs for breakfast it's already late bhacha

Shubman: haa maa okay we will come.

Shubman ended the call and kept the phone on the bed side drawer. He turned to see ishan sleeping soundlessly hugging his waist. Shubman cooed looking at him. He gently caressed ishan's face. Ishan stirred and opened his eyes.

Good morning my love shubman whispered giving him a kiss on the forehead. Ishan smiled lazily in love. He pecked shubman's chest

Good morning shubi he said but his mind went back to last night. Everything they did came back to his mind making him blush. Shubman was amused looking at Ishan's red face. He moved closer to him.

What are you thinking darling he rasped which made ishan blush even more. He hid his face in shubman's chest whining. Shubman laughed wholeheartedly. He can get used to this. Waking up every morning next to this beautiful human being is everything he could ask for.

He pecked ishan's forehead lovingly and hugged him tightly. They lay there in each other's embrace enjoying the warmth and love.

Baby maa said to come downstairs for breakfast he said to ishan. The other nodded his head. They both sat up and ishan winced in pain. His lower body is still in pain. Worry latched onto shubman's face.

Is it still hurting Bubba shubman asked while caressing his face. Ishan nodded with a pout. Shubman woke up and went to the cabinet beside his working table and brought a painkiller and water bottle. He sat on the bed and gave the painkiller to ishan. Ishan refused to take that because he hates taking pills early in the morning.

Baby pls take this the pain will reduce love come on shubman started pacifying ishan. Ishan could see the worry in shubman's face so he took the pill and gulped it. Shubman kissed his cheek. He carried ishan to the bathroom ignoring his calls to put him down. Shubman placed him on the counter. Ishan looked away with pout shubman chuckled at his antics.

Call me if you need anything baby....or do you want me to help you shower shubman teased ishan. He laughed when he saw the widened eyes of ishan. Shubman pecked his lips and went away closing the door. Ishan took all his time to freshen up. Meanwhile shubman took out clothes for him and ishan. After sometime they both got ready and went downstairs.

Both went downstairs and saw everyone having breakfast
Everyone acknowledged their presence and soon everyone's faces painted with Knowing smirks. They both blushed real hard. They made their way to them and sat on the chairs.

Good morning love birds harry sang dragging the love birds. Shubman and ishan just looked away from them. Ladies saw ishan's neck but didn't say anything looked at each other and they also blushed a little encountering that.

Btw did you hear someone screaming last night? Siraj asked the innocent question not so innocently. Everyone muffled their laughs when they saw shubman and ishan widening their eyes.

Yes Miya I've heard it too surya choose to join in the teasing.

Omg I couldn't sleep whole night rishu said yawning dramatically.

But then I heard someone calling daddy loudly that's it as shrey said that. Ladies went away leaving them shaking their heads. Shubman and ishan just shared betrayed glances to them. But they left not wanting to be hearing whatever the shameless talks they are gonna have.

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