chapter 20

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Morning came and shubman woke up due to his alarm. He immediately remembered that he had to call ishan and inform about the travelling. He called ishan and told him to get ready. He also went to get ready and came back wearing something casual. He packed his bag and he told pallavi yesterday to pack ishan's clothes. Shubman already informed his parents and sister. He went down and greeted his mum, dad and sister. They had breakfast together and shubman went away taking blessings from his parents and hugged his sister goodbye.

He drove to Ishan's home, after sometime he reached there and parked his car went inside ishan's home. Greeted everyone and sat there waiting for ishan to come downstairs. He saw his baby coming down with a frown attached to his face. He said Hi baby.... ishan lifted up hearing his voice he immediately started to skip the steps and ran to shub embraced him with his little arms. Shubman wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead.

He broke the hug and asked pallavi bhabhi where is his luggage pallavi went away and came with a bag and handed him that. Ishan turned to look at shubman with confusion latched to his face. He tilted his head a little and looked at him with his doe eyes, ishan looked so cute and innocent to shubman that he wanted to kiss those bread cheeks and hug the day light's out of him, but for the sake of his dignity he said we are going out bubs go and say bye to everyone so we can leave ishan was still confused but he went to his family and big them goodbye.

Shubman took ishan's hand in his and went outside of the house, he placed the bag inside the car and went to open the door for ishan, ishan sat in the car and shubman went to his side and sat. They started their journey with comfortable silence but our kishmish choose to break the silence shubi..where are we going? You didn't tell me please tell me na shubi.. please...shubman was having hard time driving because ishan's pleasing is making him feel something which isn't very unholy oh god darling please stop using that tone you're not helping bubs. That voice....I wonder how will it be when you are under m- stop it !!!!!! Shubman! What are you even thinking he cleared his throat and said baby we are going for a small trip don't worry I've already took your parents permission and informed your college about your leave. Ishan nodded and looked out of the window to enjoy the nature. Shubman is stealing some glances of ishan while driving.

They reached airport and shubman parked the car. He took some masks and caps and hoodies to hide their identities because he can't risk putting them in limelight now.  He informed his PA about to make sure that everything is okay and he is not much worried because his dad will take care of the work in his absence. They make sure all covered up, getting out of the car shubman took his bags out and ishan followed him like a lost puppy. They went inside the flight after the security checkup. Shubman kept the luggage and sat beside ishan who is already seated. Ishan immediately hugged shubman's arm due to nervousness. Shubman booked business class to avoid any kind of disturbance and exposing of their identities.

The flight take off and ishan snuggled up to shubman's side enjoying his warmth. Shubman wrapped his hand around ishan. They talked for a while not much because ishan talked less, which made shubman worried because ishan is a talking machine but right now seeing him not talking much did bothered him. He sighed but didn't said anything. After a while shubman and ishan drifted off into sleep secured in each other's arms.

Shubman woke up and they are almost reaching their destination he doesn't want to wake ishan up but they are already landing so he slightly shook ishan darling.. wake up we are landed hun.. ishan just whined shubman chuckled seeing ishan's child like antics and said bhacha come on wake up now we are already reached baby. Ishan woke up rubbing his eyes. Shubman kissed his forehead. They both got out of the flight and went out and they saw a car waiting for them with their name board. They both started skipping there but ishan's steps halted, shubman looked at ishan and asked what happened but ishan pouted and said you still didn't tell me where are we shubi shubman laughed and said darling we are in Paris. Ishan's jaw dropped on to the floor pa-paris?? Really?? Shubi omg we are in Paris??? He hugged shubman tightly with excitement. Shubman laughed lovingly seeing his darling all excited and happy. He felt relief washed over him seeing ishan being himself again.

They both went to the car and sat inside and the car drove off to the hotel where they gonna stay for the rest of the trip in Paris. Ishan was so happy, Paris is one of the places in his bucket list so right now being here with shubman made him more happy and excited. Shubman wrapped his arm around ishan and ishan kept his head on shubman's chest to hear his favourite music which is shubman's heart beat. Shubman's heartbeat calms ishan it gives comfort to him. They reached the hotel and went inside taking their luggage.

Shubman went to the reception and took the room card. They reached their room and went inside

Shubi... This is so beautiful. Ishan said looking at the view from the window.

Shubman placed the bags on the floor and went behind ishan wrapping his arms around him hugging him tightly. Ishan blushed at the contact. No matter how many times they hold each other, the sparks in his body never fades away everytime.

Glad you liked it baby...let's enjoy our time together here

Ishan turned around and went on his tiptoes and pecked shubman's right cheek and hugged him keeping his head on his chest.

They spent the rest of the day talking and watching movies. They are gonna roam around the Paris from tomorrow today they wanted to rest as they were tired from the journey to here. They both are excited to enjoy their time here with eachother.
Other side...

           The person is working when someone came inside boss... The person looked up and the other person continued we have information that shubman gill went on a trip with his fiancee and the boss smirked and said ohhh a trip with your lover... It will be fun to play you shubman gill...I will fucking ruin you I will take away your lover..just like you did to me, wait for your downfall shubman gill.... The boss started laughing sinisterly. The other person who is working for the boss stood there in fear seeing his evil boss.

Inform my sister to come here after her work said the boss to the worker. The worker nodded and went away.
To be continued

Lovers are in city of love ✨

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Lovers are in city of love ✨

Why this person want to ruin shubman's life?? What shubman did in his past?? Can shubman protect his ishan?

Hope you are all doing well, see you guys in next chapter

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