chapter 44

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The next day everyone packed their bags because they were leaving for Mumbai. Shubman and ishan took blessings from their grandparents and boarded the bus to reach the airport. Once they reached the airport everyone took their luggage and started going inside but of course the media had to meddle in which made Chaos break.

Shubman held ishan's hand tightly this time he is not scared or hesitating to show this world that ishan is his forever now. Ishan looked at shubman and shubman turned his head to see ishan looking at him. Camera's started flashing on their faces as they made their way into the airport.

Somehow they managed to skip the people who are literally coming at them asking stupid questions. They boarded the flight. Everyone made themselves comfortable in their seats. Everyone is sleeping as they were tired from the wedding. Shubman and ishan were sleeping with ishan's head on shubman's shoulder and shubman's arm around ishan's making him cuddle his side.

After some hours they reached Mumbai and everyone came out of the airport the chaos in Punjab isn't enough for people now the media here is also started flashing cameras on their faces which irritated them to core. Because there are kids with them he saw how the bhabhis and bhaiyyas are having hard time hiding the kids from the flash lights. Shubman's anger reached its peak.

Can you guys just stop flashing those cameras like this? Can't you just see you are making people uncomfortable? I know this is yours job but that doesn't mean you can just invade someone's privacy like this. can't you see there are kids here? Shubman lashed out in a angry voice but his face didn't show any emotion. Media went quiet and they made way them to pass. They all quickly left to and boarded the bus which is waiting for them.

Everyone settled themselves in the seats. Anushka is having back ache so shubman went to her took her with him. Shubman,ishan and then there is little vami. They are playing with her. Ishan tickled her a little she erupted into loud giggles which filled the whole bus. Anushka and virat from the back smiled fondly. Now ishan wants little sammy too so he went to take her from ritika but saw she is sleeping. Ritika smiled sadly ishan pouted but smiled back and came to his seat.

Don't be sad Bubba we can play with her when we reach home. Or......maybe I can play with you shubman whispered in ishan's ears. Ishan blushed too hard. He looked away from shubman to vami with warm cheeks. Shubman couldn't help but chuckle lightly. They played for sometime and they reached home. Everyone went inside the house. Shubman and ishan was about to go inside but stopped by shubman's mother.

Anushka came with a aarti. She did the aarti to both of them and put tilak on their faces. She told them to enter. Shubman held ishan's and went inside at once placing their right foot first. Everyone clapped for them. Shubman's mother told them to go inside shahneels room to freshup and stay there.

The single sena were no where to be found which made them confused but they both shrugged it off thinking they might be in another room. Shubman and ishan reached shahneel room along with shahneel. She took some comfortable dress for her and went away saying them to freshen up. Shubman closed the door and locked it. He turned around to get tackled in a hug by his ishan. Ishan latched on to him like Koala. Shubman lifted ishan up and went bed and sat on it.

Ishan's face is shining with the smile. Shubman caressed ishan's face softly and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. ishan just hugged him more tightly and leaned his head on shubman's chest.

We are married shubi... Can you believe it.. ishan asked him still in uncertain voice. He couldn't believe they stood strong against everything. They made it they are now going to be together forever. Shubman caressed ishan's back.

Yes Ishu we are married and we are going to be together like this forever shubman made ishan look at him. He started kissing ishan's whole face.

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