chapter 22

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The next day ishan was the first one to wake up. He stirred and looked around to see where he was...soon he realised a hand on his waist holding him protectively. He looked at shubman's face. Shubman looks peaceful while sleeping, calmness emitting from shubman made ishan relax. He lay there admiring shubman's face.

Staring is bad darling...but for you it's not, you can stare as much as you want baby... Ishan was startled hearing his raspy morning voice. He looked away embarrassed being caught by shubman.

Shubman chuckled seeing ishan red and planted a kiss on his cheek

Good morning my baby

G-good morning shubi. Ishan said while still looking away from shubman.

Shubman held ishan's face and turned him towards himself

Don't be shy love he said and ishan nodded his head. They both stood up from the bed. And shubman said he is going to freshup Ishan nod his head. Shubman started going towards the bathroom but he came back to ishan.

Ishan....where is my morning kiss bubs?

Ishan's eyes widened, red colour started colouring his face.

What?? I- shubman you hmm i-  ishan started stuttering again talking incoherent words. Ishan was cut off when shubman brought his face close to his face.

Come on baby give me my morning kiss

Unable to say anything, ishan with a thumping heart kissed shubman's cheek. Shubman smiled widely and kissed ishan's cheek in return.

Shubman went to the bathroom but before saying

You look cute while blushing Ishu.

Ishan just blushed more and went to bed he took his phone when he saw a message from an unknown number he clicked on that

Enjoying your trip huh....

A shiver ran through his spine looking at the message. He typed a reply

Who is this?

And waited for a reply but the reply didn't come. He blocked and deleted the number. He wanted to say this to shubman but they are here to enjoy so he chose to keep this to himself. He shrugged off the thoughts.

Shubman came outside this time wearing clothes so as not to make his baby feel more shy. He looked at ishan who was in deep thoughts with a frown on his face

Ishan... Ishan didn't reply still in trance.

Ishan... He called again out loudly. Ishan snapped out of the trance due to the loud call.

Shubi what happened?

I'm calling you for the third time ishan.. what happened baby you seem to have lost in your thoughts

shubman asked ishan gently this time

Oh nothing shubi I'm fine don't worry I'm gonna go and shower

Saying that ishan went to the bathroom to freshup. He couldn't help but to worry about who is the unknown person. How did they know about the trip? Who might that be? He couldn't shake of the unknown feeling settling feel in his gut.

After an hour they both got ready and already had breakfast in the hotel. They went to start their day today. First they visited the popular pont des art bridge which crosses the iconic river seine .

 First they visited the popular pont des art bridge which crosses the iconic river seine

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