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Beyoncé was a sweet girl; she was even considered a goody two shoes by most. She got good grades and had very good manners. Her parents raised her right and refused to let her do any wrong. Even as a baby Beyoncé's life was planned out for her; she had no hopes or dreams, not unless they were the hopes and dreams her parents gave her. Her parents knew exactly what they wanted her to be and were determined to make her achieve their goals.

Beyoncé's childhood was nonexistent; she couldn't play like the other kids; she could only go to church and school; her activities consisted of singing in the choir and studying. She didn't have time for friends or men; it wasn't like she wanted any of those things. Her parents were against her having friends and a man friend; however, they didn't care too much about her having a husband; they wanted her to get married.

Beyonce got married when she was sixteen years old. Her wedding was the same day she had turned her age. It was thanks to her parents' consent, specifically her father's consent, that she was able to do so; they eagerly married her off to a thirty-year-old man. Yes, her husband was thirty when she married him; however, she was just ten when she was promised to him. Her father, who refused to leave his land in the hands of a female, had no sons to give his company to; he just had a beautiful daughter that he could trade for a male successor.

Eventually, her father died and Beyoncé was left living with a man she didn't love. He was also a man who controlled everything she did; he couldn't even love her, at least not the way she wanted to be loved. It wasn't until he died as well that she was freed from the man's control; she divorced him and took back her father's land. Yes, divorcing a dead man wasn't necessary; however, Beyoncé wanted to do it; she just felt that it truly solidified her freedom.

Beyoncé spent ten years with her deceased husband. It was ten long years of abuse and neglect. Truly not one ounce of love came out of the marriage; it was nothing but a waste of time. Beyoncé was now back on the market as a young widow with no kids. She was expected to find another man; she wouldn't be able to survive without one after all. Still, Beyoncé kept to herself. She didn't even want a man and she never did. Men just didn't interest her, at least not the way that interests her sister.

"Did you see the way Andrew was looking at me? I think he likes me," Kelly said, giggling to herself.

Kelly was Beyoncé's older sister; she married long after Beyoncé did; however, her marriage only lasted a fraction of how long Beyoncé's marriage did. Kelly was a beautiful woman who had men gawking at her every day. They wanted her from her body and she knew that. Still, she wasn't mad at it; she just used her advantage to get what she wanted. Kelly would always tell Beyoncé that her beauty was a woman's greatest blessing; they didn't need muscle strength like men to work, they just needed a cute body and a cute smile to pay the bills.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes. "You think everyone likes you, Kelly."

"Because they do. Come on, you know all the men want me, don't get mad because they don't want you."

Once again Beyoncé rolled her eyes. "I don't want no men to want me, they can't do nothing for me but boss me around like I'm their slave. You saw how Lyndall used to do me, didn't you?  He didn't even treat me like a woman, he just treated me like a toy he would easily get bored of. It was just like how Mama used to treat Papa."

"Well, we ain't like Mama and we're not gonna find a man like Papa. Look, I know we made the wrong choices before but this time around is gonna be different. We're gonna do better, we're gonna find some men that love us."

"Well, what if I don't want a man to love me?" Beyoncé blurted out, causing Kelly to stop dead in her tracks.

Kelly looked around the street feeling an instant feeling of relief when she saw that no one heard Beyoncé; she then got very close to her sister, making sure that only she could hear her now. "What do you mean you don't want no man to love you? Who do you want to love you then, Beyoncé? There isn't anyone else who could love you like a man."

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