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reyafa This is your fault 💀😭 (jk, you're literally the best❤️)

Beyoncé had made love many times but she had never enjoyed the process; however, it wasn't until Michelle put her hands on her body that she enjoyed the feeling and longed for the process.

In the warmth of the steam-filled shower, the sound of water cascading down filled the air. The sun had already vanished from the sky and left no light outside; however, the soft glow of candlelight lit up the room, and the light danced on the drops of water as they cascaded down her skin. Beyoncé had recently returned from the bar. She had no expectations going into the bar; however, she truly didn't expect to leave angry; she didn't think Michelle would flirt with another woman and become violent before the night ended. Once she got home she hopped in the shower hoping the hot water would melt away the stress. She stood under the stream, eyes closed, lost in the sensation of the warm water on her body.

Although she was angry at the time she couldn't ignore the joy she felt when Michelle entered the shower with her, her presence felt before she even opened her eyes. Michelle's hands reached out to gently touch her shoulders, sending shivers down her spine. She tried to fight back but eventually just ended up leaning back into her embrace, feeling her lover's warmth envelop her. Her hands then moved down to her back and traced a delicate path down to the woman's tailbone, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

Michelle's touch weakend Beyoncé and her words tore apart any resistance she had left in her. Michelle let it be known that she wanted the woman; she then asked the woman to release all her fears; she needed her to allow herself to be with the one that she truly wanted. Beyoncé accepted Michelle's request; she released her fears and let herself give in to Michelle.

"Now that we're official, why don't you let me make up for my mistakes?" Michelle whispered, her mouth hovering over Beyoncé's ear.

As Michelle moved closer, her lips connected with the curve of Beyonce's neck, planting soft kisses that sent a rush of desire through her. Beyoncé turned to face Michelle, their eyes locking in a silent promise of love and passion. Michelle could see that Beyoncé wanted her; she wanted her to do whatever she was attending to do; however, Michelle wanted permission; she needed to know that Beyoncé truly wanted it.

"Do you truly want to do this?" Michelle asked.

Beyoncé's eyebrows shot up as she reluctantly replied, "Umm, I guess so." Beyonce was caught off guard by Michelle's question; she had never been asked if she wanted to before.

"HoneyBey, I need a yes or no," Michelle said, gently kissing her lover on her lips. "If you aren't ready we can stop, I promise."

"You won't get mad? Look, if you want to do it then I'm willing to try."

"HoneyBey, if you want me to stop then tell me. Look, we can stop and go to the lake or just go to bed. Either way, it's up to you. You have to tell me what you want to do," Michelle said, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on Beyoncé's cheek. "Right now I'm okay with doing anything you want, please just make sure that it's truly what you want to do."

Beyoncé smiled and silently thanked her lover. She truly was different; nobody had ever bothered to ask her if she wanted to do anything. Not to mention if she protested in any way they simply ignored her. Maybe that's why she didn't bother to say what she truly wanted to do; it never mattered until now. Still, it mattered now and she truly didn't want to say no.

"I want this, I want you," Beyoncé replied, causing Michelle to smile.

The moment Beyoncé permitted Michelle she immediately began to feel anxious; however, as Michelle moved closer to her, her presence immediately brought a sense of calm. With gentle hands, she reached out to her, offering comfort and understanding. Beyonce hesitated at first, her walls built high from past wounds; it was Michelle's unwavering patience that melted her defenses. Slowly, Beyonce walked into her lover's arms, allowing herself to be vulnerable, and to be loved. In her lover's embrace, she found solace, realizing that sometimes, the bravest thing one can do is to surrender to love.

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