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Word travels fast when people speak faster than they think.

It took two people to see Michelle and Beyoncé walking together for people's heads to fill with silly ideas. They created stories and retold them to everyone they knew, which just so happened to be everyone in town. Unfortunately, the more people were informed about what happened the more twisted the stories became. Eventually, the first story was completely different from the last version of the story that was told.

Old women sat on the porch; they rocked back and forth in their rocking chairs as they looked out into the distance and waited for someone to pass by. They were waiting for the source of their gossip to arrive; they just knew she would be out soon. Usually, they only spoke about others behind their backs; however, their hateful words meant nothing if the woman didn't hear them and they wanted their words to hurt her. Michelle didn't have the privilege of receiving the women's fake smiles; she wasn't worthy enough to be treated with kindness; it didn't even matter if it was fake kindness.

Still, Michelle knew that any kindness that was given to her was fake, which is why she knew the kindness Kelly received was also fake. It seemed like the only person who didn't know that was Kelly; she was seemingly oblivious to the hate she received. Kelly walked down the street with no fear. She wasn't worried about being hated or harassed. Unlike Michelle, she kept who she truly was concealed; they would leave her alone as long as she lied just like they did.

Kelly walked past the women on the porch, their mouths closing the moment she got close to them. They stopped talking about how Kelly was a bastard's child; she was only accepted into the family because she was her dad's favorite whore. They stopped talking about how Kelly used her looks to get anything she wanted; it's not like she had nothing else going for her. They also stopped talking about how Kelly was just like her mother; she looked and acted just like the deceased whore. Instead of voicing their thoughts, they all smiled and waved at Kelly; they even called her over to speak to her.

"Good morning Kelly, how have you been?" one woman asked, kindly greeting Kelly.

Kelly smiled at the woman and replied, "Good morning ma'am. I've been doing good, how have you been?"

"Oh, I've been good. How is your sister? I saw her last night with that lady. If I were you I would go check on her to make sure she's okay. Folks have been talking about her, they're worried something is going to happen to the poor thing."

Kelly's jaw clenched as she recalled her encounter with Michelle a few minutes ago. "Don't worry, I checked on her this morning and she's alright. Well, she's not physically harmed, however, I believe that woman has gotten into her mind and her heart. She's manipulating my sister and the young thing is just too blind to see."

The woman closed her eyes, released a sympathetic sigh, and shook her head. "That poor little girl, she just doesn't know what she's dealing with. Her husband died and left her to fend for herself, which is something the poor little thing just can't do. Lord, I wish Lyndall would have fought to stay alive a little longer, maybe then he could keep that sister of yours from being a fool."

"Ain't that the truth!" another woman said. "Lyndall used to keep that little girl in check and now I see why. That girl is way too naive to think and do for herself."

"Hold up, my sister is no fool, she's just too kind-hearted and that woman knows that. She's taking advantage of her, she's even using her grief to do it," Kelly replied, causing the women to gasp.

"Good Lord, that woman is evil, I tell you. I still don't know why that good man married her; she probably brainwashed him too."

The third woman nodded her head and said, "It wouldn't surprise me, it's just like her killing him wouldn't surprise me. That man's family agrees with just about the whole town; they know the kind of woman she is. It's a shame your sister doesn't know the woman she allowed in her home.

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