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Beyoncé sat in the backseat of Michelle's car, her mouth shut and her eyes focused on the road ahead of her. Johnny, whom she had met a few days ago, was driving the car at a steady speed. It wouldn't be long before they were at the bar and Beyoncé wasn't sure how she felt. Beyoncé hated bars and she also hated going out; she had too many bad experiences with Lyndall. He had single-handedly ruined the idea of fun for her; she never had fun with him as she wasn't allowed to.

Still, Michelle wasn't Lyndall. Michelle wanted to go out; she also wanted her to go with her, which was something Lyndall never did. Michelle wanted Beyoncé around; she wanted to have fun with her. She didn't drag her along because she was sick of her constant complaining; she willingly asked Beyoncé to go and that alone eased the woman's fears.

Eventually, Johnny stopped the car as they finally arrived at the bar. Being the gentleman he is, he opened the door for the ladies and helped them out of the car. He then turned to Michelle and said, "I'm going in with you and you can't tell me no. There are too many men in there who know you are now a widow and unfortunately, they don't know how to control themselves when a single woman is around."

Michelle rolled her eyes. "You truly wish to be my knight and shining armor so badly. Johnny, I don't need your protection, especially not here."

"Well, I could at least come in. If not to protect you then to protect your little friend."

Michelle looked at Beyoncé, the woman's innocent face making it impossible for her to reject Johnny's offer. "Fine, you can come in but don't get drunk, you're driving us home."

"Of course, I'll be sober and on high alert the whole night."

Michelle nodded her head before taking Beyoncé's hand and walking into the bar. Beyoncé squeezed Michelle's hand as she followed her into the bar. She cringed as the sound of people shouting and the smell of alcohol overwhelmed her the moment she stepped foot into the house. Beyoncé wasn't keen on loud music and shouting; she was too used to her quiet environment. She didn't usually step outside her comfort zone; she barely even left her house unless it was to go get food and other things she needed. Still, Beyonce allowed Michelle to drag her along to places she would never willingly go; she just knew she would be safe and have fun with her.

Unlike before, Beyoncé didn't think of the smell of alcohol on Lyndall's breath; she could just feel Michelle's comforting hand squeezing hers. Michelle's hand took away all the painful memories of the past; she was no longer haunted by them. She had forgotten about the horrid effects alcohol had on her late husband, specifically the pain he would inflict on her once the alcohol took effect; she could only remember the first drink she had with Michelle, the woman's voice drowning out all the bad thoughts.

"Is it too loud in here?" Michelle asked, noticing Beyoncé's tight grip.

Beyoncé instantly shook her head and replied, "No, it's fine, I'm fine."

"Look, we can always step out for a few minutes if needed. It's okay, I won't mind."

Beyoncé took a deep breath and forced a smile on her face as she squeezed the girl's hand. "Baby I'm fine, let's just go and do what we came to do. Tonight is about having fun and that's what we're going to do."

Michelle smiled and nodded her head before leading Beyoncé further into the bar. Once she made it to the bar, Beyoncé's eyes scanned the room as she searched for the two women she had come for. After a while, she spotted Kelly and Kierra, both women wearing two different expressions on their faces. Kierra had a friendly smile on her face and she looked ready to have fun; however, Kelly looked annoyed and ready to go.

"Hey, why don't I go get us some drinks? You can go ahead and handle that, just call me over when they appear to be ready for me," Michelle said, directing Beyoncé to Kelly and Kierra.

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