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Michelle believed that the truth was a weapon; it was a powerful and dangerous thing that could be used to hurt or protect. Some people tell the truth without considering people's feelings; they also tell the truth intending to hurt others.  The truth is a harsh reality for most people; it is something they don't want to face. For some people, the truth hurts them very badly and damages them every time it is thrown in their faces. These people tend to hide from the truth, shielding themselves with lies.

To Michelle, the truth was a dangerous beast that had been threatening to harm her for years; however, she had managed to slaughter it and lock it behind a door of lies. Michelle didn't lie for no reason; she didn't even lie if it wasn't necessary. She only lied to avoid disappointing or angering others; she also lied to protect herself and others. She didn't want the truth to cause harm to anyone so she kept it locked away, keeping it away from everyone including herself.

At first, Michelle constantly worried about the truth; it was Beyoncé who distracted her from the harsh reality she once lived in. Michelle spent the whole week with Beyoncé and the woman couldn't be happier to be in the woman's company. Every second with Beyoncé was pleasurable; it didn't even matter that most of their time was spent just laying and sitting next to each other. At times they didn't talk much; they would just sit in the garden holding each other's hands while staring up at the sky; however, talking wasn't even necessary for them in times like that; their hearts would communicate the moment their skins touched.

Michelle didn't know her heart could speak until it began crying out for Beyonce; it would just scream the woman's name every chance it got. Not once had Michelle frowned while in the woman's presence. All feelings of despair vanished once the woman arrived, which is why she could only smile and laugh as her heart soaked up all the love Beyonce was giving her. She felt joy for the first time in a long time and she had no one but her sweet little bumblebee to thank for that.

Today was Friday, the last day of the week. Usually, Michelle was eager for the weekend to arrive; it was the only part of the week she liked; however, she couldn't feel joy for the days as she would soon have to attend the funeral of her husband. The funeral was set to be held on a Sunday afternoon. The mother-in-law from hell had made sure that the church was reserved for her son only; she didn't even care about the church services that were meant to be held on that day. She didn't care about anything but her deceased son. She didn't talk about anything but the man along with telling everyone how Michelle killed the man in cold blood.

The news of Michelle's supposed actions spread quickly; it didn't take long for the townspeople to obtain another reason to hate Michelle. To numerous people, Tenitra Michelle Williams had many titles. She was a famous blues singer, she was a whore, and now she was a murderer. She was everything but a person. Unfortunately, she just wasn't worthy enough for that title.

Well, she wasn't worthy to most people, however, she was more than worthy to Beyoncé. Her bumblebee was the only person who didn't pass judgment the moment she laid eyes on her. She saw past all the rumors and read Michelle's heart; she didn't see the impurities that everyone else did; she just saw everything no one bothered to see. Michelle was thankful for the woman's ability to be different; she didn't know what she would do without it.

"HoneyBey, how long are you going to be tending to that garden? I'm getting lonely in this house all by myself. Please come back in here and give me some company," Michelle whined.

Beyoncé wiped the sweat off her forehead and looked up at Michelle who was standing on the porch, her arms crossed and her lips twisted into a frown. "Come on, you know I have to make sure my flowers are taken care of. It doesn't rain out here and the sun is damn near inches away from the ground. My flowers need love and care; they'll die without it."

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