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Beyoncé spent her days watching her husband beaming at a photo on his nightstand. The picture was familiar to Beyoncé; she had woken up to it every day. She didn't know who the woman was; she didn't even know how her husband knew her; she just knew that her husband looked at the woman in the photo more than he bothered to look at her.

At first, Beyoncé let her husband be. She didn't interrupt his fantasies concerning the woman; she just went downstairs and began cleaning; she also made some supper while she was at it. As she was carrying her husband's food to his room, she remembered that today was their anniversary; however, the remembrance didn't mean much to her; it certainly didn't mean much to her husband.

Beyoncé entered the room and sighed once she saw that her husband was still staring at the picture. "Lyndall, it's our anniversary, don't you think you can look at me for a change?" she asked, placing the tray of food on the dresser.

Lyndall looked at Beyoncé with a look of confusion and shock on his face; he didn't remember their anniversary; it was evident that he didn't. "Oh, it is our anniversary, isn't it? Well, I'm getting ready to take you out to celebrate. Why don't you go and get dressed so we can go?"

"A date huh? Where are we going, Lyndall?"

"It's a surprise, baby. Don't worry, you'll figure it out eventually. Now go get dressed, we have reservations."

Beyoncé watched her husband run into his closet and pick out his favorite suit, the one he only wore on special occasions. The sight was enough to get Beyoncé excited; the image gave her the illusion that she was finally going to have a good night with her husband. With her head filled with silly delusions, Beyoncé raced to her closet, picked out her finest dress, and got ready. Once she was done she met her husband at the door. He was more than ready to go; he was so ready that he didn't even take the time to comment on Beyoncé's appearance; he didn't even look at her.

Instead of receiving a compliment Beyoncé was pushed into the car and driven to the local bar. The place didn't have a name; most men called it the Beehive because that's where the men got the most honey. Beyoncé hated the bar; it was the worst place for her to be. Many women could be found in the bar; the wife just never got the husband's attention when other women were around.

On top of that, Beyoncé hated the smell of alcohol; she also hated the effects that alcohol had on her husband. Every time he got drunk he became violent and angry, snapping at anything and anyone that came to mind. He then would use Beyoncé as a punching bag to release all the anger he was feeling, never holding back when it came to hitting the woman.

"Lyndall, why are we here?" Beyoncé asked. "I thought you were taking me on a date. It's our anniversary, remember?"

"We're here because of our anniversary," Lyndall replied, practically running the bar. "This is where we are gonna have our date. Look, there is a great singer who made her way back into town and I want you to see her. She has a pretty voice and an even prettier body."

Beyoncé rolled her eyes as she trailed behind her husband into the bar, the smell of alcohol hitting her nose the moment she stepped foot into the bar. Beyoncé made a face and fought back the urge to gag as she walked further into the bar. Eventually, Beyoncé arrived at the table with her husband. He had found a seat right in front of the stage; it was the perfect place for him to be. He was front row and center for the show; he was seconds away from being just a few feet away from an angel.

"Lyndall, why are we here? You know I hate bars," Beyoncé whined, causing her husband to groan.

"Ugh, why do you always have to complain? I was nice enough to take you with me to this bar. I could have just left your ungrateful ass home."

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