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Beyoncé woke up to the sound of running water and singing. Although she was half asleep, Beyoncé smiled as she let the sweet melody fill her ears. She knew exactly who the voice belonged to and she couldn't but smile upon hearing it. Beyoncé hadn't heard Michelle sing in years; however, she was pleased to discover that the woman's voice only got better with time.

Eventually, the water was turned off, and the singing turned into humming. At that moment, Beyoncé's body was pulled out of bed; she followed the sound and ended up right outside of Michelle's doorway. Beyoncé knocked on the door and waited for Michelle's permission to enter. Yes, it was her house but she couldn't just barge into a guest's room; however, she had quickly entered the moment the woman said she could.

When Beyoncé entered the room she was met with the beautiful sight of Michelle's bare body. Her skin shone under the day of sunlight; it almost looked like the ray had snuck through the window just to shine on the woman. The lotion Michelle was currently applying to her body only amplified the shine. She was now glistening, appearing to Beyoncé as if she were a morning angel.

"Good morning, Beyoncé. I hope I didn't wake you with my singing," Michelle said, her voice uncharacteristically deep.

The sound of her voice nearly caused Beyoncé to melt. She wasn't at all expecting the woman to sound so sexy so early in the morning. "N-no, you didn't wake me. Thankfully it was me who awoke just in time to hear your lovely voice. You sound just like you did all those years ago, you even look just like you did all those years ago," Beyoncè said, her eyes shamelessly traveling up and down the woman's body.

Michelle chuckled. "Aww, you're so kind. Honestly, if you ask me, I'd say I'm not as good as I used to be. My voice ain't the same and I'm sure my body isn't either."

"What do you mean? If you ask me, your body looks fine."

"It looks fine but it feels awful. Just this morning I had to let the hot water burn my body. It was the only way to stop the aching, at least that's what I believed. However, my body is still hurting. It feels like it's crying out for something, maybe something it craves. It's the one thing it believes can stop the pain."

Once again Beyoncé felt her body moving on its own; it was as if Michelle's words gave her body a command she couldn't refuse. Beyoncé walked up to Michelle, only stopping a few inches in front of the woman; she then grabbed the container of lotion and dropped to her knees. Beyoncé then put some lotion on her hands before placing her hands on Michelle's legs and rubbing the lotion in. Once Beyoncé finished with Michelle's legs, she moved up the woman's body and began moisturizing her arms. Lastly, she moved on to the woman's back. 

The moment Beyoncé's hand made contact with her body, Michelle's body relaxed into Beyoncé's healing touch. She closed her eyes and leaned into the younger woman's touch, a long sigh of exhaustion leaving her body as she did so. Michelle had been touched by plenty of people; however, she had never felt the way she did when Beyoncé touched her; she had managed to ease her pain with a simple touch.

"Your hands are made with love, that's all I feel when you touch me. In all my years of living, I ain't never met anybody who made me feel like this. I had many lovers who loved getting physical; however, their hands didn't heal me like yours did. It seems they just didn't have the magic hands that you do. Ain't no one in this world can make me feel like you do, it's only you, my bumblebee."

Beyoncé smiled. "No one has ever been so happy to have my hands on their body; most men only like it when they are the ones doing all the touching. Lyndall always wanted to be in control; he didn't allow me to do things, which is why I don't have much experience with my hands. I haven't used them much, not for things that would involve healing."

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