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Is ignorance truly bliss or a shield for people who are too scared of the truth?

Ignorance is bliss as people who are unaware of a problem don't worry about it. Ignorance of certain issues makes you happy and surely there is no point in informing yourself on those issues if it will only make you miserable. Usually, unawareness of certain realities spares people much stress; it also misleads them to a happy acceptance of dangerous situations. This is why most people will agree that not knowing about something can be more peaceful or satisfying.
However, some say that ignorance can never be bliss; they believe that is the root cause of misery. For example, new information will contradict existing beliefs which can be very painful.

Despite some people's ignorance being innocent and beyond their control, some people choose to be ignorant for many selfish reasons.
Some people are purposely ignorant to protect their self-image; they often act ignorant so they can act selfishly and still maintain a positive self-image. Then some people turn to ignorance to protect them from judgment. At times ignorance can shield people from knowing how their actions harm others; it is their ignorance that makes them feel less like a bad person.

Lastly, cognitive inattentiveness is another reason people find comfort in being ignorant; many choose to be ignorant due to laziness; they often don't want to take the time to learn more.
Still, Beyoncé wasn't ignorant for selfish means. She didn't even choose to be ignorant; she was just ignorant because she lacked knowledge.

However, Beyoncé wasn't a fool, she was just innocent and it didn't help that she had many people in her life who went out of their way to protect her innocence. For years Beyoncé was kept uninformed of many things; she wasn't told anything that could take away her innocent way of thinking; it was her family's actions that resulted in her being left in the dark in regards to many things.

Honestly, it wasn't until Michelle entered her life that she began to notice her ignorance; she then began to desire to be knowledgeable about the things she had been ignorant of before. At first, Beyonce doubted that ignorance was bliss; she would rather know things than be unaware of them; however, it wasn't until Michelle revealed the truth to her that she began to question if ignorance truly is bliss.

For Beyoncé, the truth was a stranger, a scary stranger she was always taught to avoid. The truth had been locked behind a door of lies for many years; however, Michelle had just opened that door and now the beast was finally out. Beyoncé now knew the truth about her lover's past relationship; she never knew how bad things were until she told her. Honestly, Beyoncé never asked about the woman's relationship; she never even wondered about how Chad and Michelle's relationship was or how it ended; however, she knew she was glad it was over. She no longer had to share Michelle; she was all hers once the man perished.

Still, Beyoncé never thought about what happened to Michelle during her marriage; she was too busy focusing on the strife she suffered in her past relationship. Beyoncé spent weeks telling Michelle about the hell she endured with Lyndall; she explained every painful detail as it brought her comfort in sharing the truth with someone who honestly cared to listen. She constantly reminisced on the painful past and waited for Michelle to love her back into reality; however, she never gave her lover the chance to express her pain to her; she just kept her pain inside and stored it away with the pain that the stories of Beyoncé's past relationship gave her.

Michelle always told Beyoncé she didn't mind carrying her pain; she would carry the load that seemed to weigh Beyoncé down. Still, Beyoncé didn't even bother to ask Michelle why others said the things they did; she just allowed herself to nearly be swayed to believe their lies. To be fair, Michelle hadn't been telling the woman the truth; she had been keeping the truth to herself; however, Beyoncé doubted that she made the woman comfortable enough to reveal the truth.

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