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Maybe ignorance was bliss. After all, Michelle and Beyoncé were the happiest when unaware of what was happening outside their home. Every morning began the same way for Michelle and Beyoncé; they continuously woke up oblivious to the things going on beyond their sanctuary of comfort and peace.

Just like every morning, the soft light of dawn filtered through their bedroom curtains and shined on Beyoncé. The woman was always the first to stir awake; she would then gaze upon her lover's beauty before climbing out of bed, her movements gentle and deliberate as she slid out of her lover's hold. The moment Beyoncé slipped out of her grasp, Michelle would then wake up from her slumber. With her eyes barely open, Beyoncè led her to the bathroom, which is where their morning truly began.

"Morning, beautiful," Beyoncé murmured, wrapping her arms around Michelle as the water cascaded over them.

"Morning," Michelle replied with a smile, leaning into her embrace. "What do you have planned for the garden today?"

"Just some weeding and watering. Nothing too strenuous," Beyoncé assured her, planting a soft kiss on Michelle's forehead.

Michelle rolled her eyes. "You say that now, but you'll end up spending hours out there, as usual."

Beyoncé laughed. "You know me too well. But it's worth it. The garden looks amazing."

"It really is," Michelle agreed. "Still you know we can't take it with us, you might as well just leave it alone.

"I will do no such thing, that garden is my responsibility until we leave. I know I'll have to leave it behind but I'm choosing not to abandon it just yet. Besides, you won't have a show to watch every afternoon if I just leave it alone," Beyoncè replied, causing Michelle to blush.

The two lovers continued to shower before eventually finishing and stepping out of the shower. After drying off and dressing, they headed to the kitchen, where Beyoncé prepared their food. They then shared a quiet breakfast, exchanging smiles and light conversation over toast and eggs.

"So, what's the plan for today besides your garden and packing?" Michelle asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

Beyoncé shrugged. "More of the same, I guess. As for packing, I think we should finish the bedroom today. How about you? Any specific goals?"

"I think we can tackle the living room after the bedroom," Michelle suggested. "And maybe we can reward ourselves later tonight?"

"That sounds perfect," Beyoncé said with a smile. "We deserve a little break from all this work."

After breakfast, they returned to the task that had consumed their days for the past week: packing up their house. The decision to move had been mutual, driven by a desire for change and freedom. Boxes filled with memories and mementos were stacked in every room. They worked side by side, sorting, wrapping, and labeling, their efficiency a testament to their compatibility. By noon, the house was stifling, and they decided to take a break. As they sat on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, Michelle sighed, glancing at the sun climbing higher in the sky through the window. She knew her lover would leave her arms soon and go to her garden.

"Are you really going out there in this heat?" Michelle asked, already knowing the answer.

"You know I am," Beyoncé replied with a grin. "The garden won't tend to itself."

Michelle sighed. "I wish you'd stay inside and cool down. It's too hot out there."

"I'll be fine," Beyoncé said, kissing Michelle's cheek. "Besides, you like watching me work, don't you?"

Michelle laughed softly. "Yes, I do but that's not the point. It's nice inside, let's just stay in here today."

Every afternoon, Michelle would try to coax Beyoncé into staying inside with promises of ice tea, air conditioning, and the comfort of her loving arms. Despite her best efforts, Beyoncé remained steadfast in her routine, drawn to her garden like a sunflower to the light. Today was no different; Michelle had pleaded and reasoned, even hinting at other activities they could do in bed, but Beyoncé had just smiled, kissed her cheek, and stepped out into the blazing heat with her gardening tools in hand.

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