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Long time no see 🙃

Today Kelly woke up with a severe headache, the light creeping in through the window and shining on her face only making the pain worse. Kelly wasn't much of a drinker; she didn't even think to drink until last night, a night she now regrets. Still, hoping to escape the sun's rays, Kelly rolled out of bed and nearly fell on her face. Luckily, she managed to regain her balance before her face coiled with the floor.

With her feet firmly planted on the floor and her eyes barely open, Kelly stumbled to the blinds and closed them, her headache disappearing with the sunlight. Usually, Kelly would immediately jump back into her bed and go back to sleep but unfortunately, she couldn't do that today. Instead of sleeping in, Kelly had to get up and get dressed so she could see her sister. She had been ordered to apologize to the woman; it was the only way Kierra would forgive her.

On the way back home from the bar. Kierra and Kelly got into an argument. They had both said some harsh things to each other, however, Kelly had taken it too far and roughly grabbed Kierra. The moment Kierra flinched, Kelly let go of her and began to apologize purposefully; however, Kierra paid her no mind and ignored her the rest of the way home. When they arrived home Kierra told Kelly what she needed to do in order to gain her forgiveness. She had to apologize to Beyoncé and Michelle for her behavior. She also had to improve her behavior towards their relationship which meant she could no longer give her negative thoughts in hopes of breaking the pair up.

Yes, Kelly ultimately wasn't in the mood to leave the house; however, she was determined to get back in Kierra good graces. With that being said, Kelly wiped the sleep out of her eyes and went to the bathroom to start her day. She took a quick shower and let the hot water wake her up. After some minutes of burning hot water hitting her body, Kelly got out of the shower. She quickly dried off and motorized her body before getting dressed.

Once Kelly was dressed, she headed downstairs to leave, only to be met by Kierra who was in the kitchen making breakfast. Although the woman was mad, Kierra would never leave Kelly to go through her day with no breakfast; she also couldn't resist the urge to see Kelly. Yes, she was supposed to be mad at her, however, she couldn't bring herself to be mad at the woman; she would just have to be loving to her while still refusing to forgive her for her actions.

"Good morning, my love. I hope I didn't wake you up. I tried to be quiet," Kierra said, mixing some eggs in a pan.

Kelly smiled and entered the kitchen, kissing the woman on the cheek as she joined him by the stove. "You didn't wake me up, baby. Also, what are you still doing here, aren't you supposed to be back home with your parents by now?"

Ever since Kierra and Kelly secretly got together, Kiera has begun spending several nights over at Kelly's house, something no one in town knows. Usually, Kierra lies to her parents about her whereabouts; she always tells them she is staying behind at the church and will return in the morning. Most of the time Kierra does return before the sun rises, however, she began finding it more difficult to leave Kelly's side; she had made a home in Kelly's bed, one that she hated leaving.

Kierra turned away from the pan to plant a small kiss on Kelly's lip before returning his attention back to the pan and saying, "Yes, I should be gone by now but I've decided to stay a little longer. You need to eat and I want to be the one to feed you."

"Aww thank you so much, that was very sweet of you. Still, you fed me last night, you gave me so much that I think I'm still full," Kelly said, earning a small chuckle from Kierra.

"Of course, I gotta make sure you're properly fed. Besides, I'm in no rush to get home. I'm not looking forward to being asked when I'm going to get married," Kierra said, annoyed by the repeated question.

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