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Beyoncé sat in the corner of the pastor's office and listened to Michelle antagonize Kierra's mother for thirty minutes before the woman kicked her out. Michelle gave the woman one last petty retort, grabbed Beyoncé's hand, and led her out of the church. Surprisingly Beyoncé didn't even bother to ask any questions about what had just happened. It seemed like she didn't even care about it, which she honestly didn't. She was mainly focused on how Michelle was eager to get home as she had a reward to receive once they arrived. Surely enough, when the two women finally arrived home Michelle wasted no time taking Beyoncé upstairs and fulfilling her promise.

After a while of lovemaking, Beyoncé was pleased but also utterly exhausted. "So how did you learn how to do it?" Beyoncé asked in between breaths.

Michelle laughed and gently kissed her lover's forehead. Beyoncé was currently sprawled out on Michele's bed, her body bare and drenched in sweat. The sun was down when the woman returned home, allowing Michelle to love the woman until the sun came up. She wasted no time bringing the woman upstairs where she loved her until every ounce of doubt left her body. Michelle enjoyed using her words with Beyoncé; they always managed to bring comfort to the woman; however, she didn't ignore the fact that her actions got to Beyoncé better than her words did at times.

"Well, when you've been with plenty of women in your life you learn a thing or two," Michelle replied, rubbing her hand up Beyoncé's stomach and stopping at the woman's chest.

Beyoncé glared at Michelle. "You've been with other women before?"

Michelle shrugged her shoulders and casually replied, "Yeah, I had a few female lovers in my past, they taught me a lot of things."

"Oh, so you were truly with Kierra's mom?"

Michelle laughed and shook her head. "We weren't together, we just messed around from time to time. I was young and stupid when I first started messing with her. I didn't truly know what love was, I just knew she showed interest in me and that's something I longed for at the time. To be fair, I didn't know she was married. She didn't tell me that she was until she told me that she was done messing around. The truth was she was just using me to feed her sexual needs because her husband was never home. I was honestly foolish to think it was more than that. Still, I did have some good times with her."

Michelle has had many lovers in the past. To be honest, she didn't care to remember most of them; it was mainly because they weren't worth remembering; however, there were some whom she couldn't help but remember. There were various reasons why she couldn't forget her lovers; they were either the best people she ever dated or the worst people that ever lived on earth. Unfortunately for her, most of the people were awful. She only remembered them as she had horrifying nightmares about them almost every night. Still, there were a few good people she had relations with. The strange conscience was that the only good partners she had were women.

Michelle's first female lover was her choir teacher; she had taught her many things, most lessons unrelated to music. At the time, Michelle was only twenty years old. She wasn't a child and she didn't act like one; she embraced the fact she was grown. Her teacher was grown as well; she was twelve years older than her. The woman started off teaching Michelle how to sing better; it was her job to do so after all. She then moved on to teaching the woman how to love better as she helped her experience pleasure in a way that wasn't forceful.

Michelle always loved the woman and wanted to spend the rest of her life with her; however, the woman soon got married and moved away leaving Michelle alone and confused. At first, she didn't understand why the older woman ran off with a man. She had claimed to love more than anyone else; however, she left to spend the rest of her life with someone who wasn't her.

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