CH 3

626 33 12

Not my cup of tea ☕⃤

I entered to the faculty building. Today Evie is not here yet. Our class is on the fourth floor, I am lazy to take stairs so I walked to the elevator. Only me on the elevator, doors are about to close.


"Hey!!! Wait wait wait..." someone throw his hands to the closings doors. I startled. The tall figure enter to the elevator and gimme a smile from coner of his mouth.

That is it... I hate that fucking smile already. What is that for?? Did he mocking me? Why would I meet him here? Arghhhh......

"Eh... shortie..."

Aaaa here we go again.... fuck you. I pretend I didnt hear that. We are already at fourth floor and I Get off the elevator.

"Hey... are you deaf today huh?" Billy blocked my way. I gave him death glare.


"Didn't you hear that, I called you"

"Oh really..? What time? When? I didnt here you called by my name?" I unbotherly said. That fucking smile appear again his face. What a poker face tho.


"Billy.. shut up.. will you? I have a name"

"But I dont wanna call you 'Babe'...."

"Well... that is up to you... don't bother to talk to me then" I am pissed already.

"You looks cute, when you angry.."

Shiyaaaaa.... what the heck He is telling me? Huh...? I feel my blood running in to my face. He directly looking in to my eyes. My stomach started to dancing I guess... shit... what is happening with me. I think the damn systems in my body stopped working. I'm freaking frozen.

"Hahahaha.... you already become a tomato...." his two fingers hit on my forehead.

I am back to earth. THE HECK.... he sill have that weird smile on his face. I can't speak still.... my brain stopped working. Babe you are really shameless. My own body betrayed me.

"Don't worry... I like girls... although you have a pretty face... you are not my cup of tea.." he just casually said it and went away.

That is the moment my brain started to work again. I am freaking angry now. What is this all for? I want to punch him on his damn face. I swear to myself not to meet him again. NOT INFRONT OF MY FACE. Go to hell Billy. You asshole.

"What a nice view to start the day Babe..." I turned my head to Evie.

"Hi.. sis.."

"What the heck?... did you see a ghost at this damn daylight?"

"I saw a fucking Devil"

"Ohh... does Devils fuck in this hour? At this broad daylight?" She is laughing hard.

"Evie... what the the heck... shut the fuck up and come-on... lets go to the class..." I walk through her.

We enter to the class. My swear doesnt mean anything. Billy already sit infront of us and I can freaking see him whole day.

By the way did I tell you about Billy? No?... well... he is a asshole but very intelligent boy. When professor give us some questions, he is the first one to solve it. Also he is older than me, 28 years old and single. Oneday I hear that he is telling to his other friends, that his family live in United Kingdom. So I guess his family move to UK. Alao from his appearance I can say that he comes from a wealthy family. Well.... he is very manly. Most of girls in our class trying to hit on him. but it doesn't seems like he is interested about anyone still.

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