CH 13

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Door is always open for you. Walk in or out is your decision ╰┈➤🚪


I walked inside to the kitchen and grab some beer for me. My heart started to beat very fast. I dont know what is happening around me. Maybe it is because I am going to ask Babe that who is his lover? But what I am this much exited for? I put one hand to my chest and tapped slowly.

"Calm down please. Why are you beating very fast?"  I told to myself.

After grabbing a beer I walked to the upstairs.


Why Billy is acting very strange lately? OH LORD! I wonder if Macau tell him our conversation to Billy. Probably he did, they are bestfriends right? Normally they share every damn things together. So Billy want to talk about Macau? For ask, why I rejected him? Yeah.. probably that, otherwise what is that idiot have to talk about in this hour?

After some minutes he come and sit next to me. I look at him and trying to absorb his actions. He gave me a smile and trying to put his beer on the ground.

"If you will staring at me this much, you will definitely fell for me" he told while winking at me.

"Who want to fall for you?"


"So what? What do you want to talk with me?"

"Nothing... I just want to have talk with you. We were always fighting and arguing eachother. So I came in peace today"


"See?? You are the one who is going to start this time"

"Arr.. arr.... whatever.. give me a beer too. I suddenly want to drink"

Billy handed me a beer can. I opened it and took a sip from it.



"When you suddenly disappear that day... I feel really worried."

"How many times are you going to tell me this huh?"

"I am sincere for real. I miss you." Billy told without looking at me. But I look at him. He miss me? For real? My heart feels very heavy again. I want, world to stop in this moment. I felt his sincere this time.

"I am speechless" I told.

"I know you dont believe me. But doesnt matter... what I told you is truth"

"Hmm.... I am sorry. I'll not act in that way again."

"If you want to do it again, do it... but tell me first"

"Do what?"

"Like... suddenly you want to giveup on everything and go to somewhere that no one know"

"Hahaha... okay majesty..."

"At least I can accompany you"

"Are you trying to act cool now?" I told while smiling ear to ear. I am not used to Billy's this kind of talk. He never talk to me in serious way. NEVER!!. Maybe he is drunk right now or what?

"I am not... I dont know... I just want to tell you that..."

I dont know what to feel anymore. I feel very hot in my face. I can even get a cardiac arrest in this case I guess.

"Okay.. okay... lets change the topic now... where is Kyra? Went to sleep?"

"Yeah... she told, she is tired"

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