CH 2

892 40 15

First semester ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

I am little bit nervous to attend to the lectures. Because I know nothing about mechanical engineering. My academic advisor told these two fields are not very different and she is very sure that, I can follow up. You think I can?

Luckily I know a friend who graduated from this field and she is gonna be in same class with me for masters. Her name is Evie. Naah... naah.. thats definitely not what you guys are thinking... hahaha~ We are from same country. That is why I know her. And also she is older than me, and she already married. We are just like brother and sister in others' eyes.

We are waiting in outside near to the lecture hall. Because our professor is little bit late. I am looking around to see that, if there has anyone who came from same country with mine.

For second, my eyes meet someone's eye

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For second, my eyes meet someone's eye. He is standing bit far from us and looking at our direction. He is very tall. Well... comparing with my height I can said that he is very tall. Shit!!! I've never seen a man with so much dimension. He is perfectly perfect. Shittt... am I blushing now??

"Babe.... where are you looking at?" Asked Evie. Uh... I came back to the earth from her question. I turned to her face.

"Babe.... are you ok? Why you become very red?.... are you that much stressed about today lesson? We didnt even attend to the class yet"'

"Arghh... I am not, Evei.. I am not a baby.. I can handle it"

"Then why are you..." she couldnt finish her question.
"Hi..." that tall figure approachs us.

"Oh! Hi..." Evie greets him. Since she already said 'hi' to him, I just turned and gave a smile for him 😊.

"Where are you guys from? If I am correct we are from same country I guess" He told.

I am about to reply... but then that damn Evie...

"We are from Thailand... and you too?"

"See.... I told yaa... I am freaking happy to meet you guys... I feel very alone there... btw, my name is Billy..." then he turned to my side and look directly into my eyes..

"Billy Patchanon Ounsa-ard..." he finished the sentence.

The fuck he is doing!!!! What is that smile for?! Shiyaaa... I am feeling hot in my face... calm down my lil heart calm down... you cant do this to me... why are you beating like I am in somewhere hiking. i feel whole damn zoo inside of my stomach. Since when I have feelings for boys??? This is very scary... he is very handsome for what? Lord... save me... I feel like I am gonna faint.

"And you? What is your name?" He asked me, staying in same position. Can he be normal. He is acting like he wanna swallow me alone.

" i think you hear me? Isnt it?"

"Oh... yeah my name is Babe"

"Babe?... really? How I am gonna say your name infront of others? Hahaha~ people will think that, you are my sweet heart" he winked at me.

This mf.... for real?

I gave him a death glare.

"How can I supposed to know? It is up to you. You can call me with anything, and I am cool with that" I am already frustrated with him. A smile appear in corner of his mouth.

"BB then..."


"Alaiiii you told me I can call you with any name that, I wanted. So it is BB"

"Arrr... whatever.."

Then he turned to Evei, "and you are...?"

"Oh.. I thought you are not gonna ask me" she side eye him. I laughed.

"Hahaha.. my name is Evie" she smile and introduce herself.

"Arr Evie, I will go to talk with others. See ya around" then he left us.

"Lord... he is very handsome"

"Damn Evie, plz can u down your volume? He still can hear us"

"I am feeling regret to marry early"

I laugh at her. That is true. Billy is really  handsome. But something on him make me uneasy. I dont know how to describe that feeling. Yeah.... whatever

Meantime, our professor came. For this subject it is all about designs. So our classroom is a computer room today. (Later I found that for all lelectures we need computers and our all the lectures will be in same classroom)

Me ad Evie sit next to eachother. Billy enter to class and he sit in the front line for us, facing to Evie. (How can I explain this to you guys... ok.. our class has two computer lines. professor will be in the middle and the two lines face eachother. like... students are sitting face to face. Hope you understand ) and when I looking at my computer I can directly see Billy. He winked at me again. Damn!! I feel like my university life gonna be suffer with lots of things already.

Btw... nothing happened after all. Our first lecture went smoothly. Sometimes I didnt understand what professor said, but Evie helps me.


-Two souls don't find eachother by simple accident -


Plz gimme your opinion about my work. It will help me to improve❤️

see ya in CH3

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