CH 14

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"Billy...." I heard someone calling my name while caressing my hair. Feeling like a dream.

"Billy... are you still not sober?" This time I opened my eyes in half way.

"Kyraa.... let me sleep little bit more" I told to her and rolled to other side of the bed.

"Aww... it is already one in the afternoon" she is complaining. I pretend that I didnt hear her.

"Okay... sleep... I will go to swim by myself" she pouted.

"Arghh..... okay... give me ten minutes then I wanna get ready" I told while sitting on the bed.

"Do it quietly ok.. everyone else are still sleeping."


"See you in downstairs"


I went to bathroom to wash my face. I was looking at myself on the mirror and after some seconds, suddenly..... SHIT!!!! I KISSED HIM!!! FUCK!! I can remember every damn detail very clearly. The way I grabbed that tiny figure and kissed him. His lips felt taste good.

Those heart shape lips... with a pinkish red undertone... smooth and soft to the touch.. one thumb across his lips it's just like butter gliding through the fingers sweet like honey.... eatable than kissable. The taste and softness of his lips make you crave for more......

SHIYAAA!!! JUST LIKE THAT?!!! JUST THINKING ABOUT THAT KISS, LITTLE BILLY TURN ON??!!! GOSH..... what did I do last night. Now what am I going to say to him? He will probably questioned me whenever we saw eachother... HOW AM I GOING TO REPLY TO BABE?... but before that I have to help myself here. I look at myself on the mirror. Shameless Billy shameless.

I got ready and went to downstairs. I feel like I am a prisoner that who running away secretly. I dont want to face to Babe right now. I didnt prepare a answer for him. I DIDNT EVEN PREPARE A ANSWER FOR ME!! I dont know what gotten into me last night to kiss him. After came out from the house I took a deep breath. I saw that Kyra looking at me with a weird face.

"What?" I asked.

"You looks very relieved for what?"

"Umm... umm...." what should I say to her. My brain stopped braining since yesterday. Kyra raised her eyebrows at me.

"Didnt you tell me to not to make sounds"

"Is that so?" She is looking at me like far away to believe. Or maybe there has a problem with my eyes. Deep inside  I know that I somehow betrayed to her last night. OH... RIGHT!! MAYBE I SAW BABE AS KYRA? is that why I kissed him??



"What are you thinking about?"

"Huh?.... ah... nothing.. I was just thinking... that.... umm.... what to eat? I am hungry"

"Aww... there has sooo many restaurants around here. After sea bathing, should we try?"

"Ah... yes... " I told while try to smile.

She started bath in the sea. First I wanted to join her, but suddenly I lost my mood for it. I told lie to her that I am still not sober from last night. I just wait for her... after that we went to eat.

When we come back home, its already started to getting dark outside. I saw from the far that Babe and Chris talking to eachother while mathew playing guitar and Macau singing. Susu smoking and playing with her phone while sitting on the swing.

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