CH 6

446 32 16

Just friends 💬

I went to mall today. As we discuss before me and my friends wanna meet eachother today, so we gather to our favorite restaurant. When I do bachelors... I had lots of friends, but most of them went back to homeland after graduation. From my friends group only four people stay and continue to masters, but in different fields. So I rarely meet them now. Also, they are not Thai, I didnt meet many Thai students before... just few students. No different than now, I only I knew Billy, Evie and her husband only. Oh... right... Evie also my friend, but not very close.

"Babe.... you are late as always"

"Sorry Chris... I didnt wakeup early today... Hi mathew..., Hi Susana.." I greeted them.

Chris and Mathew are boyfriends. Susana has a boyfriend. But her boyfriend is older than us, and always busy with his job. So most of time only Susana hangout with us. We used to call her Susu.

"Lets order first right?" Susu asked.

"Yeah I am very hungry now" mathew told.

We orderd foods and drinks. they arrived early than we expected.

"So Babe... how is the new faculty?"

"Umm.... better than before. Professors are really helpful, so do my classmates. Everyday I feel like I am doing teamwork. Not like before..."

"Same bro... I like my new faculty. You remember how our professors make pressure on us. I almost lost it. But now I feel like I am living my life" chris told.

"Not for me tho... I still dont have any friend. As you know... I am introvert, Scared of people. My classroom has soo many students. People are learning economics like crazy" susu complained.

"Well... I am introvert too, but I already have friends susu. You have to try to talk with people, otherwise how can you get to know them."

"Yeah man... I know... but still I feel sick, whenever I enter to my classroom."

"Arr... you stupid girl..." mathew hit on her head.

"Awww.... mathew" she sent a death glare to him, while holding her head. That scene make, me and chris laugh.

"So babe... what is your problem" chris asked. I started to feel nervous. I know... I should figure this out  today. Otherwise I cant sleep. Yesterday whole night, I was thinking about it and I couldnt sleep at all. I mean... I know my friends will not laugh at me, but still this situation make me uncomfortable.

"Babe..." susu spell it loudly.

"Huh...?" I startled.

"Look at your face... what did you do this time? You become very red like tomato... hahaha~" chris started to laugh. I also feel hot on my cheeks. I used my both hands to cover my face and look at them.

"Arr..... Chris... how did you find out that you like mathew?" Mathew choked on his food. Susu give him water to drink.

"What the heck?" Mathew asked after he calmed down.

"Well.... I am just curious... you know?"

Chris looking at my face. He is trying to absorb me. I cant do eye contact with anyone anymore. Praying to Earth to open and swallow me alone. Blood is rushing very quickly to my face.

"Babe.... you.... are.... NOT.... JUST.... CURIOUS.... isnt IT?"

"Mathew.... I am just really curious ok.... I mean, what if... I.... " this time Chris cut-off me.

"Ok.. I will tell you... I mean you know that whole story already. I found that Mathew is cute at the first. Then I started to stalke him, you remember... mathew is my love at first sight. I mean I didnt know when the love started... but I started to feel it in unexpected moment."

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