CH 4

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Library Day 𖦹ׂ 𓈒 📚 / ⋆ ۪

'Babe.. where are you? Are you still sleeping?' -Evie

'He is the nearest one to library & still late🤣' - Billy

'Hi! My name is Alex, Kyra's friend' - someone

'Alexa.... play *wide awake* to Babe' - Billy

I am reading messages on Whatsapp group. Evie created a group. 'Brain Cells'?? Who the heck suggestion that name... I guess they are already gather in library while I am still laying on my bed. No hurry, Just 10 minutes walk and I can reached to the library.

'I saw you already read the messages Babe. Are you coming or not?' - Evie

'Arrr.... gimme 30 minutes , I will be there. You can start without me'

I went to take a shower and hurry to library. We can do group works in the first floor. For example we can talk, eat do anything in the first floor. But if you go to other floors, you must behave and not disturb to other students. Since we have a group to study we have already decided to stay in the first floor.

I enter to the library and looking around to find them. Evie wave her hand at me.

"Here..." I walk to them.

"Good morning Babe..." Kyra told.

"Good morning...." I told her with a smile.

"Hi its me... Alex.... Kyra's friend, also from Korea"

"Nice to meet you... and.... you two are.."

"No... we are just friends. Hahaha~ and I have a girlfriend already"

"Ohhh...." I sat next to Evie... infront of me is Billy. It doesnt looks like I have a choice to decide where can I sit... only one chair left.

"What about you Kyra?" Billy asked.

"About what?"

"I mean.... do you have a boyfriend?"

Aaaa here we go. I told you she caught his attention already. Hahaha go on Billy.

"Why you asked?"

Shiyaaaa.... she killed it. She is a red flag! I guess it since yesterday...SLAY!!
I look at Billy's face. It is becoming red color. I am trying my best to hold my laugh.

"Nothing special.. I just ask." She didnt tell any reply. I feel Atmosphere starts to burn already.

"Ok... let's start our work... or are you guys gonna talk in the library for whole day?" I complained.

Billy and Evie help us a lot. They teach us all the basic things that we have to know for solve our problems in the classroom. Very intelligent brains.

After a long session we took a break. I went outside for some fresh air. There has many benches at outside of the library. Those are facing to a canal which is near to the library. I just sit there and looking at the canal. There has some fisherman otherside of the canal. Since this is autumn season, whole environment is just breathtaking. I was just enjoying the atmosphere.

"Hey man... you want one" Alex hand over a Cigarette to me.

"Uh.. no thank you. I am not interested"

"Oh sorry bro... would you mind if I have one here?"

I really dont like the cigarettes' smells. But... since this is our first day of meet eachother & I dont want to ruined his mood. So I just accept him. Alex just sit next to me and talk many things while smoking. After some minutes I really couldnt take it. I coughed once or twice to give him a hint that I cant breath anymore but he didnt understand.

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