CH 8

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Next morning 𓇢𓆸

I am still angry with Billy about yesterday incident. How he can simply joke around something like that? I almost believe him, for one second I wanted to world stop in that moment. I wanted to live in that moment for forever. I couldnt even sleep properly last night. Whenever I closed my eyes, his words started to echoing in my mind.

But also he is not wrong. He dont know anything about my feeling. And he is just joking around me as a friend. I shouldnt punch him after all. Argh... what did you do Babe?? I asked myself while pulling out my own hair by my both hands.

And in other side, if Macau really into me... I should not give him hope. I know how much it will gonna hurt later. I am freaking in that position already. But since I already agree to meet him in the library, I should not break my promise too. Arghh.... whatever.. maybe I am over-thinking.

Ohh right... Macau told me that he will text me. I getup from the bed to reach my phone.

Ohhh... so many calls and messages from Billy. Right... after I came back home yesterday I just turn my phone to silent mode and went to sleep.

'Babe... I am really sorry... but can you tell me what did I do wrong?'

'I gave your number to Macau-

'Can you answer my calles Babe?😟'

-Babe I dont even understand what I did wrong-

-Babe are you freaking dead in your room or what?-


'Look at my bruise near to my lips

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'Look at my bruise near to my lips... you punched me hard' he sent a photo too. Damn this man. I really dont wanna see his damn face in this early morning. I read his chat but didnt reply. YOU SHOULD SUFFER LITTLE MORE!!!

Then I changed to Mcau's chat.

-Hi this is Macau. I got your number from Billy already😊-

-btw... will u come to join me at the library🫣. I will be waiting for you-

-hey... yeaa.. Iet's meet at 10 O'clock.?' I replied.

'Yes! Sounds good. C u there😊' ohh he is very fast to reply.

'c u 😊'

Macau told he will be in the third floor. I enter to the library. I saw Billy was studying in the first floor with Kyra. Since when they got closed to eachother tho?. Billy didnt saw me but Kyra did. She wave her hand at me and suddenly Billy lift his head and look at me. I wanted to ignore them and disappear, but since Kyra is also there, I walked near to their table.

"Hi Kyra...."

"Hi... I didnt know that, you will also come"

"Umm... nah.. I just came to meet my another friend. so see you later"

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