CH 12

503 42 15

He is the greenest flag I ever saw, but the person he love is COLORBLIND. 💚🏹🍀


Party is still on going. Kyra wanted to go near to the stage area but I refused. I think she understood me, I am literally not in a good mood. So she left alone. I am just sitting on the Veranda floor and drinking my beer.

I really dont understand myself. I dont know my heart is feeling something that I cant explain. I cant think about anything except Macau and Babe. Macau told he will confess to Babe when next time they meet and he is already here!!! Maybe he already confessed? And Babe agree with him?? Nah.... I dont think so... Babe told he never dated a guy before, so He will not agree to Macau right away.... But still he told, Macau is handsome and he can have a chance from Babe???? Arghhhh what the heck is this?? Why I am getting uneasy about thinking about them? Whats wrong with me? Why do I care, even they are dating or not??

I sipped my beer bottle.

"Arghhhhh WHAT THE FUCK?" I cant take this anymore. I shouted. People who passing me to go to beach, look at me like I am a mad person who drunked.

"Billy?" I startled.


"What happened?" Macau came and sit near to me. SHIT!!! I am speechless. I was wondering is Babe also came with him, my eyes are trying to find him. But He isnt here.

"What are you searching for?" In the end I look at Macau.

"Nothing... why are you here already?" I asked. Macau released a big sigh. I was waiting for his answer but he went silent.

"I need a beer"

"In the house. Near to kitchen table there is a...."

"I know where it is... wait till I bring some" Macau interrupted me and told. He looking at me for one or two second and left to the house. What was that for? I questioned myself. That glare?? He is acting like he knows everything?? Is he trying to get my nerve or what?

After some minutes he came back with four beer bottles. Macau is not a big fan of beer or alcohol. Everytime when we have a party, he even dont finish a can of beer. I am freaking confused when he back with many beer bottles.


"What? I just want to drink"

"Four beer bottles?... you even cant finish one beer can??? Now four bottles??"

"Its not like I cant. Its just I didnt want to."

"Umm... but"


"Hey.. Hey.. Hey... calm down ok? I didnt say anything. I was just worried about you and why you have to shouted at me?"

After hearing me Macau released a another big sigh and his face changed. I can see he is having a problem. Me , Macau and Lora... we are bestfriends for long time, that I can even feel their little changes. Macau sit next to me and put beer bottles beside him, took a one bottle and started to drink it like there has no tomorrow. I also didnt want to stop him and I waited till he stop himself. He finished the half of the bottle and released a long breath.

"Care to tell, what is bothering you?"

I asked him very calmly. Macau went silent again. He is like lost child try to find his words to explain something to someone.


"I told to Babe I like him..." He told while looking at my face. I shocked. Well... I already know from the beginning Macau is going to do that but after hearing what he said, I started to feel something strange in my heart.

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