CH 10

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Someone's pov

"I cant believe he just disappeared like that. Macau, did anything happened between you and Babe" Billy asked.

"What do you mean? We are not even a thing... so.... and this is the last message he sent me" Macau show his phone to Billy and Lora.

"Well....then its probably because of you Billy. You two never get along. Always fighting and fighting. Before he disappear like this also, you two had a argument. Isnt it?" Lora asked.

Billy went all silent. What did I do? He remembered that, before Babe disappear without telling him, they had a fight. Babe didnt even want to talk to him. But if it is because of that fight, he will not come to library too. But Babe already came to library that day. Well... in other case, he didnt know I was in the library at that day.

"Aishhh..... maybe its because of me" Billy told while punching to the table.

"I dont even surprise" Lora told annoyingly.

"Maybe thats why his friend also ignore me. Like... I sent him many messages after seeing Babe in his IG story. But he just simply replied 'Babe is fine'. I called him, but he didnt answer the calls at all"

"You are too much Billy. Leave my boy alone. Will you?" Macau suddenly told. Billy and Lora got shock by his words.

"EXCUSE ME" Billy's whole mood changed.

"What?.... you already guessed I like him. Dont you? Isnt it that obvious, when I called Babe to library to study with me? Did I ever invited you two to study with me?"

"Stop... stop.... stop...." lora cut him off. And look at Billy then back to Macau.

"Is this a confession?"

"Still he is not your boy. Its not like you asked Out and he agreed"  Billy frowned.

"Wait till he come back then." Macau simply told.

"Wow... you are very brave" Lora told while clapping.

Billy started to feel annoying. He felt something in his heart. Unbeknownst to him, He suddenly punched to the table hard. Lora and Macau startled with that big sound.

"What the heck Billy? What is happening with you?"

"Nothing...I am just annoying because Babe switched off his phone. Well.... see you guys tomorrow. I will go to meet Kyra"

Billy suddenly left the Macau and Lora confused. He went to find Kyra. Kyra told that she will go to meet professor, so probably she will be in the fourth floor. When Billy enter to the faculty, He saw that Kyra and Evie talking to eachother near to common area. He straightly walk to them.

"Hey.... did Babe tell something to you guys"

"Oh... Hi Billy..." kyra replied while fixing her hair.

"What about Babe?" Evie asked.

"I dont know. He is not answering my calles and messages. Literally he switched off his phone and went to a sudden trip with his friends. Do you know them?" Billy questioned Evie.

"Ahh.... yes... those are his bestfriends since longtime. I saw they post many pictures recently. They went to Mathew's beach house."

"Do you know the reason?"

"What reason?"

"Why Babe suddenly went to a trip"

"What kind of question is that? Cant Babe go on a trip with his friends. Hahaha"

"He can... but why switched off his phone?. I am getting annoys for his behavior. Because, before he disappear without telling any of us, we had a fight. Its feel very guilty for me that I almost couldnt sleep at night peacefully. So he is doing this all things to avoid me or what?"

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