CH 9

536 32 19

I fall apart ( ´ཀ' )

I was eating in the canteen. My phone started to buzzing.

-Babe... can we meet?' Kyra sending me messages.

'I knowwww u r with Macau.... but can we meet??? Please... pretty please?🥹-

-Babe... reply to meeeee.... u r just reading... 😒'

'Hold on.... what happened to u suddenly?🤨' I replied.

-I'll tell you.... lets meet first?.... just 10 minutes.... ok?-

-ok... so where are u now?-

-sitting on the same bench, that we used to. Near to the canal-

-ok... wait for me- I ended the conversation.

"Armmm Macau... I think Kyra need some help. I should go now. See you at the library later"

"Okay.... but what happened? Isnt Kyra is with Billy? Are they ok?"

"Yes they were... I also dont know why suddenly she asked me to come... ok see you later"

I rushed to find Kyra. She is sitting on the Bench and looking lost.

"Hey...." I couldnt finished what I was about to say. She jumped from where she was sitting and hold my both hands. I startled.

"Babe..... Babe..... oh my god.... how can I start...... you know.... you know..."

"Hey hey... calm down first... ok? Tell me now... what happened? Where is Billy? You looks like a real tomato now... hahaha"

"Arghhh.... I feel like I cant breath anymore..." she is having a whole joy. Jumping and laughing like a little baby, who got some candy from mama. I was waiting till she calm down. I didnt want to stop her. Let her enjoy her moment.

"Babe....... BILLY CONFESSED to ME!!!" she said while doing her little jump.

I dont know how to express my feeling right now. I feel like sudden thunderstorm attacked me. My brain still processing what it heard. Suddenly the whole world around me went to silent. I dont hear anything or I dont feel anything. Just in that moment world collapsed infront of my eyes.



"Did you hear... what I said?"

"Huh.... yeah....... yeah I did..."

"You looking at me like you are seeing a live ghost"  Kyra side eyed me.

"Its just I cant believe.... he did that"

"Hahahaha I know right!! This is my exact feeling when he confessed to me.... " she is smiling ear to ear. How dare I am thought that they shouldnt meet eachother? Looking at Kyra's face... I am regretting about my thoughts before.

"So you also like him?" I asked.

"Well.... kind of... but wait wait... I didnt give him the answer yet... you know.... I dont want to accept him right away. Hahahaha~ then he asked me for a chance and I said ok"

"Ohooo... you are playing hard to get huh?" I smile and said.

"Not really like that... I mean he looks like a play boy. So I am scared to accept him in that quick" she told while she adjusting on the bench. I also sit next to her. Well... I am not really feeling well... but I let her share her happy moment with me.

"Umm... Kyra.... Actually, Billy likes you from the beginning. You can see many girls in our class try to hit on him. But only you got attention from him"

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