CH 7

422 34 24

Heart learns it can fly the moment it falls in love 𓆩♡𓆪

I am walking through the corridor to the canteen. Today I come to faculty for nothing but eat. We dont have lectures today.  I was lazy to cook, so I came to faculty canteen to have lunch. I am using my earbuds, listening to a music. Normally I dont like to go alone to eat. You know.. it is kind a introvert peoples' problem I guess. But since its already half past two, there will be no more people in the canteen. I enter to the canteen and bought the foods, then look around to find a place to sit.

Suddenly I saw someone is waving their hand at me. Ohh Billy? No no no... not today.... please let me breath peacefully. Maybe I am just seeing things.

"Babe" he suddenly shouted. I gasped!! All the people in the canteen stop their work and turn to Billy, then turn to my side. BABE?? WHAT THE HECK? He told himself he doesnt want to use my real name and now what? Arghhhhh very embarrassed. I just kindly smile to people who looking at me already and walk to the table, where Billy and his friends are sitting.

I gave him a death glare while he is smiling mischievously. He pulled out the chair next to him and asked me to sit there.

"Why did you call me by my real name?" I asked annoyingly while adjusting myself on the chair.

"Aww.... dont you like when I call you by your real name"

"........" I just remain silent.

"Oh by the way Babe, this is Macau and this is Lora... my bestfriends." He introduced his friends to me.

"Hi.. my name is Babe... Babe Tanatat. Also from Thailand"

"Yeaaa we already heard about you from Billy" lora said. I went to question mood and look at Billy.

"Umm... yeah... I told them about you and Kyra already."

"Ohh... by the way.. what are you guys doing at faculty today" I asked while eating.

"We came to meet our supervisor. We are last year masters' students. So We had something to discuss about our research thing. And here... Billy just tag along with us" Macau replied.

"Noo he is lying... I spend whole morning in the library. I just dont want to stay in the room. So I came to faculty" Billy complained.

"Umm...." I am just un-botherly eating and nod my head.

"Babe... what is Kyra looks like?" Lora asked curiously.

"She is kind and pretty one... noh?" I asked Billy. Billy just nod.

"Babe how old are you?" Macau asked.

"He is 25..." Billy replied instead of me. We three look at Billy's face.

"I didnt asked you" Macau said.

"Yeah sorry" Billy told... WOOW.... he know how to say sorry to people? Amazing indeed. I am questioning Billy in my head.

"Babe you live in hostels right? How long you have been here?"

"Near five years I guess"

"Ohh quite long time huh?"

"Umm... I did Bachelor here too"

"So what will you gonna do after finished your Masters? Will you continue study to PHD?"

"Nah.... I didnt think about it still.maybe I just go back to Thailand and try to find a job. I am tired with studies already"

"Umm... interesting.."

"What is this? Interview? Like questioning and answering?" Billy asked.

"What is wrong with you Billy" I asked annoyingly. But he said nothing to me anymore.

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