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--November 17th, 1989

    Following the release of her band's first album, Lita Monroe was content in its gradual success. Initially, it hadn't done the greatest, but after the critics and magazines had gotten their hands on it, sales began to rise. Because of this, Geffen Records gave Lita an advancement in her residuals: an extra fifty-thousand. Her and Jack, after purchasing a new apartment, had used the money to the creative design of their first music video, which had been released four days prior. The steady success was rewarding for Lita, it was one box checked off on her list of life. According to the band's manager, an MTV nomination would be sure to come their way soon, if not now.

    Since her remembrance of an old crush on the television screen, Lita had been awfully quiet about her personal life. Of course, the interviewers and magazines wanted to know all about that: constantly, they'd ask her, "Are you with anyone, Lita?" or "Who is the inspiration behind this song?" And Lita would've loved to answer any question that came flying at her, but the jungle of emotions in her head confused her thoughts, thus not being able to spew an answer for the life of her. Anytime someone asked her about a boyfriend, though it was never their place, she could never find the courage within her to mention Jack. They'd been together for almost three years, so why was that?

    The entering of Bill-or should she call him by Axl now?-into her life had opened a sealed door, one that had been that way for nearly 14 years. She could see the annoyance on Jack's features when a question was dodged, or if she didn't out-right admit the truth to an easy question. Lita had never told him about Axl, so she knew his head must've been a melting pot of unmixable confusion recently. But she didn't have to tell him about her past, not now, not unless Axl were to re-insert himself into her personal life, which might become inevitable living in Los Angeles.

    Lita Monroe knew this though: if Axl were to become a part of her life again, after so much missing time, whether he wanted to or not, Lita wouldn't know how to control herself-she never could be around him. He was her first love, and she expected the same in his position. Love had made her do crazy things in the past, and, if by some miracle of a chance, he had wanted her now, at this time, forever, she could leech onto his every word and forget, if that was even possible, Jack. That had been exactly what Lita had been when her and Jack became a couple, thinking she could forget her first love. And if the circumstances were there, she could try it again.

    For a time, she did love Jack. But, just the sight of the man she'd tried to forget made her doubt herself. She remembered a scenario just like this one, out of a book she'd read as a child-was it the Great Gatsby?-a scenario in which she was with another man, but the uncontrollable thoughts of a hidden love penetrated to the surface of her conscience, and she could not store them away for later. To be associated with Axl again would ruin her life and her relationship. But Lita Monroe had always done crazy things in the name of love.


    By November 20th, a letter in the mail, addressed to a Miss Charlotte "Lita" Monroe, was intercepted, and a squeal of excitement might've been heard throughout the county. From her manager, Lita re-read the note, already knowing what it said, but not fully comprehending it just yet.

    "A nomination!" Lita yelled into the telephone, Della and Melissa on the other line, just as excited as she. "Best Rock Video, can you believe that? In one month's time, we'll all be dressed up and possibly receive an award from MTV!" she cheered with glee. This was what Lita had been wishing for ever since she began playing the guitar, writing lyrics, and performing in clubs: the chance for success!

    "Do you know who any of the other nominees are?" Della questioned from the phone. Lita almost couldn't hear her, the happiness inside herself had prompted a fit of excited jumps across the kitchen. "I didn't really look into the details yet, so I'm not sure," Lita answered, quickly running back to the corded wall-phone after the vibrations of her exhilaration were most likely heard three floors below, "but I'll look into it later. I have to call Jack, he won't be able to contain himself!"

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