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"I know, and even if I didn't know, I would lie

So many would believe it

Stand up and resist the chains

Of all the people in belligerent sick restraint

I wasn't enough

You bled me dry, which way is up?

Oh, you're a lie and a fake

I hope that truth is not to late."

Nero Forte - Slipknot

--December 20th, 1990

Lita and Axl were spending their late December morning together in peace. Tour had wrapped at the end of November and, besides the conflicts that rose last month, Lita Monroe was doing swell. A 'Beatles' album, 'Rubber Soul,' was playing in the background as Lita took a set of peanut butter cookies down from the shelf to snack on.

Some of the popular Christmas specials were playing on the TV in the living room. Lita was currently watching 'It's a Wonderful Life.' The black and white screen contrasted well against the midday sun on this Sunday.

She wasn't really paying attention, not with Axl next to her on the couch, writing. He had a Mead notebook sitting on top of his thighs, which were clad in cotton sweatpants, and a cup of hot chocolate was before him, one Lita made him, sitting on the coffee table.

She opened the package of peanut butter cookies, pushing one into her mouth. They were so good, but still not better than anything fresh. The heater next to the sliding door turned on: the room temperature must've dropped below sixty-four.

Lita fondled the knitted blanket on top of the couch's backside, laying it over her legs for warmth. Axl took the frilled end and covered himself as well. They sat together that morning, simply basking in and enjoying the holidays. Axl hummed as he continued to list off words in his notebook-looking over, Lita could see words such as 'father' and friends' littering the page, but she didn't ask any questions.

It was just after three when an unfamiliar knock could be heard against Lita's door.

She was snuggled up into Axl's arm, it was encircled around her neck, and she was on the verge of sleeping. Subtle snores could be heard coming from Lita, her eyes fluttering open and closed every few seconds as she drifted off. The rest of her body lay adjacent to his, like they were glued at the hip.

Axl had passed out before 'It's a Wonderful Life' had ended over an hour ago. His notebook and pointed black pen sat next to the mug of hot chocolate; once warm, the cup was now cold and empty, a dark brown rim near the top still held remnants of syrup and marshmallows. Axl never told Lita that he hated watery hot chocolate, especially with the copious amounts of chocolate sauce she added, but he drank it anyway. If only to please her.

Lita was jostled out of her oncoming sleep and extremely annoyed, but she walked to the door anyway.

As she walked down the hall, Lita saw the stacked boxes pushed against the walls of her apartment. Every time she had ventured to Axl's apartment, she'd leave something there accidentally. Once this was acknowledged, Lita started to slowly pack up the apartment she and Jack had previously shared.

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