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A/N: Parts of this are fictional, parts are factual, some dialogue comes striaght from interviews. Please keep that in mind. Also, I really enjoed writing/researching for this chapter!

 Also, I really enjoed writing/researching for this chapter!

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---July 2nd, 1991

Lita Monroe rocked against the barrier to the song coming from the sound system. In the Riverport Amphitheatre, Lita had asked the security guards to section off a small area to the right side of the front row for her and Melissa after their act. The guards resisted at first, telling her of the massive crowd expected that night. Lita reasoned that, after over a year of a long tour, watching from the side stage, where she had the biggest disadvantage to watch Guns N' Roses, she just wanted to be able to watch them play like they were in the crowd themselves.

Truthfully, Lita also wanted to get away from Della as fast as she could following their set. She had told Melissa all that had happened, Della's out-of-the-blue actions and their argument following it, and she agreed that the two girls needed to spend some time apart. They both just needed to cool off when they didn't have to play together.

And finally the guards complied, moving some small barriers from the front row to block off a spot for the two girls. Not wanting to compromise anybody paying money to see the show, she urged them to put it as far away to the right as they could, granted Lita could still see. And now, standing here, rocking to 'Welcome To The Jungle,' she felt like she was standing in those cheap corner tickets. But she didn't mind.

It was in that awkward spot that nobody really wants, but, since it's in the front, it's exceedingly pricey. Eventually, no one will buy it, so the venue drops the price drastically only days before the concert. It seemed, here in St. Louis, that nobody had taken advantage of that price drop, for, when she looked around at the crowd around her, not many people crowded around the front right corner of the amphitheater.

The woman across the barrier, looking at Lita and trying to get past the guards (and almost succeeding) held a large cup of clear liquid. The group she was with were in similar states, all holding some form of alcohol and making stupid, violent actions to the people around them. Lita, fearful for her safety, strayed closer to the corner and away from the people. By the end of Jungle the first few rows were getting rowdy, so Lita grabbed Melissa and tried to exit the closed off area of the crowd.

"No one's allowed backstage," the security guard said to her, pushing the two girls back. The group was now surrounding a man in the third row, where they all cheered loudly for Axl.

"I'm with the band," Lita insisted.

"Do you have an ID?" he questioned, looking her smug in the face, hoping she didn't. Lita searched her pockets, ravaging through each hole in her pants for the little slip that would allow her backstage. "Fuck," she muttered, unable to find it.

"I've got one," Melissa said behind her, showing it to the man. He inspected it before nodding, pulling the barrier back for Melissa. Once Lita tried to move with her, the guard shut it again, not letting her through. "No ID, no entry," he spoke monotonously.

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