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"And I need you more than want you

And I want you for all time

And the Wichita lineman

Is still on the line"

Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman





(This is a picture of the second dress inspired, it wouldn't let me upload)


---May 5th, 1991

"Oh this dress...Lita I'm jealous—it looks amazing on you," Amy spoke behind her, pulling a few tiny strings to fasten the back of the white garment. Amy Bailey finished tightening the small corset in the back, placing the chiffon back over her chest and securing the veil on top of her head.

Lita Monroe faced the window, lookin out at the people of all ages who had come to her wedding. Amy brushed, teased, and hairsprayed until Lita's hair couldn't take it any longer; it would be rock-like in a matter of minutes at this rate.

"Is it airy?" Amy asked, backing away from her soon-to-be sister-in-law.

"Yes, just like in the shop. Much better now after'a tailoring," Lita replied, facing the mirror. She flattened the dress, checked her makeup, and fastened her shoes, careful to not make any clumsy mistake.

A knock sounded on the door conjoining the dressing room to this chapel. Chris opened the door, walking in with Stuart behind him. Chris stood back, marveling at his sister.

"Lookin' good, sista'," Stuart jested, coming up to hug Lita. It was so different to see him tower over her, similar to Axl's height, for she had known him best when Stuart was just a little tyke, still struggling with his division and singing in the church choir. Oh how far they had come.

"Don't, don't!" Amy screeched, trying to pull her brother away as he went in for a hug with Lita. "You'll ruin her dress!"

"Amy, it's not like I'm carrying around some infectious disease that's gonna' infect the girl. Calm down."

Amy considered it for a moment, huffing. She gave in finally with a "Ok," and went to the mirror to style her own hair.

Chris, still standing by the door, watching and observing from afar, rubbed at his neck, a profusion of sweat leaking from his pores in obvious nervousness. He wiped his eyes a bit.

"Some sand get in your eye?" Stuart joked.

"Shush, Stu," Amy eyed him through the mirror. Lita giggled at the interaction. Stuart and Amy, arguing like the siblings they were, reminding her so much of Axl. Stuart specifically; his long, red-brown hair, curly, different to Axl's straight hair; his smile, his humor—all reflective of his older brother.

It was nice seeing them all together after so many years of abusive upbringing, which Lita had spent a year observing.

The door opened again, quickly, and Lita rushed over to Amy, hiding behind her. "Who is it?"

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