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"Not long ago, but far away

A rainy winter's day

All her pain she kept inside could no longer

No cry for help, she killed herself

Both life and love could not be saved

She took them both to the grave."

Bloody Kisses (A Death In The Family) - Type O Negative




---October 13th, 1991

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---October 13th, 1991

Lita Monroe fell back, slumped, against the living room couch, the television in front of her loudly playing MTV's latest music videos. She'd just gotten home from the tour a few days ago: Lita had gotten far enough into her pregnancy that being on tour wasn't desireful anymore.

So she left early, only hoping that Axl would be home in time for the baby to be born sometime in February. If she was lucky the baby, which kicked her constantly as she relaxed recently, would be born while Axl and the band were on a small, barely two week break before they went to Japan in mid February. She'd kill her body (not really) if it wanted to go into labor after he left.

But that was in the future–and, right now, she loved how time progressed.

Each morning, after the sickness and tiredness that had come in the last two months, all Lita did was sit and watch tv, eat the weird food combination that Chris introduced to her as a kid (she hated it then, but loved it now), and even called Melissa. That was her favorite part.

Coming home also meant spending her afternoon on the phone with Melissa, catching up (since they were the only two that stayed 'friends' following the disbandment) about everything in recent months, and even inviting each other over or going out together.

Just speaking to a friend that she didn't think was confusing was like a breath of fresh air. Melissa was also there to give Lita advice about her own relationship with Axl. It helped Lita, helped her hope that, with the arrival of something shared between them, it could heal any lasting problems between her and Axl.

But that was just hopeless thinking.

Lita grabbed a box of cookies off the coffee table in front of her, using the remote to turn up the volume of the tv, which was playing a music video for some up-in-coming band. Once it ended, Lita saw a few familiar faces on the screen.

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