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This was hard for me to write. I hope I captured it well. <3

--November 7th, 1990

From the window of the house, Lita Monroe could see rain dripping down the window, a harsh pitter-patter knocking against the pane. The cameras behind her moved, getting ready for their next shot. Today was the last day of filming 'Don't Cry.' A crew member walked up to her, a questioning concern on his face.

"Have you seen Axl? We need him for this next shot, just at the doorway" The man's voice was quiet, like that of a mouse. Lita turned to him realizing that he was, in fact, talking to her and not just passing. No crew had ever really come up to her, they usually just went to Axl first. But, she guessed, since they couldn't find him, she was the next best thing.

"He might be handling something with management. I'm not sure, but if I see him I'll tell him–"

"–Martin," he interrupted.

"I'll tell him Martin was looking for him."

"Thanks." And he left. Now Lita was again with the rain beating in from outside. She'd forgotten to mention to Martin who 'management' was, but Lita really didn't know anymore.

In the last two weeks, Axl fired Alan Niven as the band's decision. It wasn't unanimous, but only Axl's say was considered. Slash and Duff didn't say much, but Izzy was adamantly against this. Axl had been making many rash decisions with the band since the start of November.

Lita shivered a bit in her white tank top, shuffling her hands and feet, rustling the denim-clad legs against each other. Her belt was tight, holding in her lunch and pushing a slightly sharp prick into her side.

She got up from the stool she was sitting on when Axl entered again, a dismal look on his face. "Did you find him?" Lita asked.

"Nobody's seen him," Axl answered, bothered.

"Well I'm sure somebody has, just check again," Lita tried her best to cheer him up a bit.

"I can't have another fucking no-show. You know he hasn't shown up once this week. Didn't even call to tell me why. And with this new fuckin' dip-shit manager, to can't get nothin' through to him."

"I know, Axl, I've been here all week."

Now Martin approached them again, with his ready-to-work face juxtaposing Axl's get-me-out-of-this-bullshit look. Axl rubbed her arm as she tried to console him about Izzy.

"Hey, Axl, we need you both over by the doorway for a scene," Martin said. He really tried to push the subject by saying, "It's only gonna take a minute, then we can be done for the day."

Axl was not really in the best mood to continue filming, for once again he had become bothered by a stuck up bandmate who thought not showing up to filming was in his best interest. "We'll be there in a minute, Marty."

Lita consoled Axl for another minute before they both made their way over to Martin and the rest of the crew.

"Ok, Lita, we're gonna need you to sorta stand here. Yep, just like that. And lean against the wall while you're at it. That's it! Thank you! Now, Axl, you just have'ta grip her arms, just below the shoulder." He moved Axl's hands a bit higher on Lita's arms, his thumbs resting just under her armpits.

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