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"Oh, I have found new love, dear / And I will always want her near / Her lips are warm while yours are cold"


"Those happy hours that we once knew / Though long ago, they still make me blue / They say that time heals a broken heart / But time has stood still since we've been apart, yeah"




 FROM: Ms. Charlotte Monroe

Olympia, Washington

TO: William Bailey

Lafayette, Indiana

    September 1st, 1979

I'm writing this to you now with enough cocaine in my blood to hopefully kill off what remains of my affection for you, Bill. I'm asking you this plainly–why? Did you want things to turn out this way? Everything good I've ever gotten–and that's not saying much!–has come from you.

I lie awake at night blaming my father for taking me away from you before I could confess myself, could confess the darkest secret that lies in my heart, to you. I wondered and wondered for two years if it was worth it, some stupid promise I made at thirteen years old.

Without you, I am a mess. You complete my life, and with a missing piece of my soul, I'm left dreaming of your presence. I was utterly in love with you, Bill! But now, as each day passes, I ask myself again: "Why? Why Lita? You were a child and it wasn't true!"

But still, you haunt me. Your figure follows me like the grim reaper after those in a fictitious Purgatory, seeking me out and I can't escape you, even in my darkest moments. I begged of you for so long, let me go! I became a mess at your hands as I sat alone in an unknown city, my only solace in the poetry you spoke that has now stopped.

I see you now, your intent. I am left in lamentable anguish as you parade your conquests and triumphs; yes, I do see your intent. I am left a diminished soul in the wake of your terror, for you have overcome me greatly, and I lay mournful at your feet.

All was unhappy in my spirit. I grew bitter with sorrow and regret! And now I am awakened from my suffering, yet with my drug-infused high, I still cannot evade you. Please, Release Me! I am hateful of your false love and to waste my time on you is sinful.

Disregard my words, forget me entirely as I have you. I only write this now, the powder still settled under my nose, the pupil of my stormy sea eyes–the ones you loved so much!– as a warming and unwelcome well-wish for your demise.

For, as much as I loathe you and your infatuation, I will never forget it as long as I wish. Again, you inhabit my figure unwantedly, and I aim to push you away, but I simply cannot. On my own I am but a servant to your kingship. Oh, please Release Me from your love, for that is the only way I will move on in the flesh.

The Skins and stimulants are but only an endless void wishing to be filled by you! But I can't, and against my heart, I will go on in this world with a bullet in my figure and a reminder of your treachery. 

With warmest regards,

Your Lita

546 Words

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