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One Spin reporter was recently contacted by an insider regarding the highly successful tour between bands 'Guns N' Roses' and the 'Silent Cherries' as well as an inside scoop into the lives of their blunt and overconfident frontrunners.

On September 4th, our office received a faxed copy of polaroid photos–seemingly of Axl Rose and Lita Monroe conducting a most shocking act! The insider has stated that they wish to remain anonymous at this time, but decided to give our Los Angeles department great details into the current affair connecting the two.

According to said person, an affair has been going on for many months between the successful 'Appetite For Destruction' singer and his up-incoming opener. They claim that Lita Monroe purposely cheated on then-boyfriend Jack Griffins, bassist for the 'Silent Cherries,' with Axl and has presumed a secret relationship with him following the breakup initiated by Monroe. They claim that Griffins, who only recently found out, is heartbroken and mentally stricken from the news.

But that isn't all!

If you remember our article from February, then you'd know that Axl Rose is engaged! and that makes this story even juicier. Before breaking this exclusive story, Spin reached out to Rose's fiance, Erin Everly. Everly was distraught, for it happens that our magazine was the one to break the news to her! The two had been on rough turns, but she would never have suspected cheating.

She also had some choice words that she wished us to share in this edition:

"You [___] [_]hole...how dare you!...How could you do this to me after four years...I hope to never see you again, you [_] dead man..."

But, you readers might be wondering: what did these photos look like to cause so much turmoil in the lives of these bands and their members? Well, if you'd like to see the photos sent into Spin for yourself, please send us a letter and we'll get back to you within four to eight business days. Our Los Angeles department is: XXX NW XXX Street Los Angeles, California XXXXX.

We will still describe them to you in as much detail as we can. Two photos were of Rose, five of Monroe.

The two photos of Rose included: one of him in a pair of briefs and a striped shirt staring down at Monroe, eyes closed, presumably in a hotel room; one with his back turned, the same outfit but including an 'UZI SUICIDE' leather jacket, inside a bathroom.

The five photos of Monroe included: one of her presumably shirtless, staring at the camera in shock, on the floor of a shower with drenched hair; one of Monroe, chest and lower stomach exposed, in a similar scene and state as the previous and following photos; one of the woman with the shower water on her, body in a similar fashion, but laid upon the floor–not against the wall–of the shower, the camera positioned above the figure; Lita Monroe against the glass divider of the shower, upright position, exposed; finally, the woman on a bed, the most exposed of the photos.

Before the creation of this article, Spin attempted to reach out to Axl Rose and Lita Monroe through Rose's manager, Alan Niven, but no correspondence was reciprocated. For more details of this story, see our February 1st edition.

(Spin Archive, September 21st, 1990, Page 1-2)


'YOU OUGHTA KNOW': All the details we know of the 'Silent Cherries' sophomore album so far.

THE BEST ROCK THIS YEAR: Bob Guccione reviews all the Rock N' Roll albums released this year/decade so far.


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