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"Elvis ain't dead so he isn't here

Party never ends

Demon roadies, angel groupies, suicide losers, hey

If only I'd known how cool death is

I'd have killed myself sooner, hey"

Halloween in Heaven - Type O Negative




Sorry in advance




---September 13, 1991

"Anna?" Lita Monroe and Anna Hoon sat together on the latter's bed, studying for an upcoming science test. They'd walked home together after school, gotten some ice cream down the street from the high school, and quickly began to help each other study for tomorrow.

Lita had made some flash cards during lunch on the different classifications, and together they practiced, with Lita hoping she could finally get a grade higher than a 90 for once. "Anna?" could be heard again down the hall, quick, loud steps hurling towards Anna's bedroom door.

"Just give me a minute," Anna said, getting up from her bed. She went over to the door, opening it slightly. She spoke in a whisper to whoever was on the other side. Through the crack in the door, Lita could see a boy, maybe only nine or ten years old. She had never seen him before at Anna's house.

"What do you want, Shannon?" Lita could finally understand what she was saying to the boy. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to eavesdrop, and Anna wasn't the quietest. "Can I use your record player?" said Shannon. He shuffled his feet on the carpet floor, glancing over at Lita, who smiled. "Sure, just keep it quiet. We're studying."

Anna opened the door fully, Shannon bounding toward the record player in the corner of his sister's room. He sifted through the shelf of records, picking out his specific favorites. Anna came back over to the bed, getting her notebook out. "Ready?" Lita asked, holding her flashcards. "Go." Anna said.

"Ok. Name the characteristics of the kingdom Plantae."

"Um..." Anna considered. Across the room, Shannon turned up the volume dial on the player. He had Pink Floyd and Bob Dylan records sitting next to him and The Grateful Dead one in the player. "Plants...Multicellular..." Shannon started to hum along to the music, sitting on his sister's bean bag with his eyes closed.

"I can't concentrate," Anna sighed. She looked over to her brother, snapping, "Can you turn that down, Shann? We really need to study." He nodded, getting up again. He turned the volume dial down and grabbed one of Anna's stray blankets off the floor. As Lita and Anna went back to studying, Shannon tried to fall asleep to the music.

"You know this Anna. Plantae: plants, obviously; multicellular–"

"–Wait, I remember! They also have organelles and chloroplasts," Anna smiled. Lita nodded at the girl and flipped to the next flashcard, beginning to review the animalia kingdom. As they went through the different definitions, families, and genuses, Lita kept looking back at Shannon.

The adorable little boy reminded her so much of Bill: the long, shaggy hair that swooped down past the shoulders, the beat-up jeans and sunglasses he kept over his little kid face, that blinded his eyes from the sun shining into Anna's room; and finally the music taste: the shared love of some of Bill's favorite bands.

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