Chapter 20

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You smacked Sam with whipcream and Kian threw water on him. Sam looked up and then fell asleep again. You and Kian and Jc laughed your asses off. Trevor was sleeping in the bed so Kian threw water on him. And you pranked some other people. You and Jc decided to stay in Kians house. So you went outside to the pool. You put on your black one piece and you went to the hottub.

"You never have your hair unaccesorized do ya"

"We have been together for 3 months and you still haven't noticed?" He laughed.

You took his hat and put in on your head.

"Do i look fabolous?" You said posing

"You look hot" Jc said kissing you.

You put the hat back on Jc.

"You look better with it"

"No way" Jc said laughing under your kiss.

"Don't you have school?"

"Oh shit what time is it?!"


"Shit my class starts at 9:00"

"Well you better get dressed then"

"I mean it's not bad if I miss my first class" You said laughing and getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"Pool you coming?"

"Duh" Jc said getting up and running to you. Before jumping in you told Kian to tell you when it was 9:30. You jumped in and Jc after you. You two had a lot of fun, held breath competitions and just fooled around. Kian walked to the pool.

"Hey lovebirds its 9:40."

"Dammit" You jumped out of the pool and ran to Jc's car. You grabbed your "emergency bag" and ran to the bathroom. You put on some blue jeans, a crop top and a cardigan over. You put your hair in a high pony because it was still damp. You put on some mascara. You put on your glasses becaue your contacts were at home.

"Jc!!" You yelled while getting down it was already 10 AM.

Jc was waiting for you already. You drove to your apartment got your bag and drove to your school. "Love you" You said kissing him and getting out of the car.

"Love you too" Jc said driving off.

It was already 10:17 so the class just started. The teacher had its back to the class so you sneaked in. You sat on one of the chairs and acted like you had been there all the time and the teacher didn't even notice. After the classes you went to your locker to put all the stuff there etc. when the same three b*tches walked past and whispered something looking at you. They went to their lockers that were side by side and still whispered at you. You just finished and slammed the locker door shut so they all jumped you started walking to them to confront their asses.

"What is your problem" You said giving them the death stare.

They obiously werent expecting that so didn't know what to say.

"That's what i thought" You said laughing and walked off.

Jc was there to pick you up.

"Movies tonite?" Jc asked while opening the car door for you.

"Of course" You said stepping in.

You guys drove back to Kians house and everyone wanted to come with.

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