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(Enjoy a random song that was suggested on YouTube 😂)


Lucy- ughhh
Tim- u ok?
Lucy- yes
Tim- u sure
Lucy- I said I'm good so shut the fuck up
Tim- what did u just say to me boot

Lucy gasps in pain

Tim- woah u sure ur ok
Lucy- Mhm

She rings Angela

Angela- Chen?
Lucy- ye help, what do I do these cramps are hurting like mad
Angela- do u have the meds for it
Lucy- Mhm I already took the amount ur aloud for a day
Angela- uhm ok try have some type of warmth on it
Lucy- ok and also if I put u on speaker can u tell tim- when I tell him to shut the fuck up I mean it
Angela- tim just listen

They hang up

Tim- why didn't u tell me u have cramps
Lucy- why do u care
Tim- I know how much pain it is, nyla- and Angela forced me to do one of those cramp simulators
Lucy- ye well mines above 10
Tim- jeez I couldn't even get passed number 4
Lucy- bruh that's like no pain for a girl
Tim- hold up

He pulls into a parking spot

Tim- lay down and give me 2 mins

He runs into the stor opposite and buys a hot water bottle and gets the owner to fill it up, he takes it back to the shop and lucy was slouched on the chair

lucy- it hurts so bad
Tim- here
Lucy- u didn't have to do that

She places it on her stomach

Tim- hey it's fine but um after shift meet me in the car park
Lucy- that's in 20 mins
Tim- exactly so we need to head back

Lucy has a couple years streaming down her face

Tim- what's wrong
Lucy- it hurts soo much

Tim places his hand on her stomach as it was really warm

Lucy- omg that works so much better than the hot water bottle thank you
Tim- Mhm

They get there and change tim- waits for lucy at her car

Tim- hey I was wondering would u like to stay at mine tonight, just so I know your ok
Lucy- uhmm are u sure
Tim- ya
Lucy- ye sure, uh send me the address I need to pick up a few things fork mine
Tim- u don't look like u should be driving, I'll drive u to urs and wait outside for u
Lucy- thanks

They get in time car and he drives her to her apartment and walks up with her, he stands in the living room, it was his first time being in her apartment

Tim- this is nice
Lucy- eh it's good enough
Tim- is that Jacksons room
Lucy- ye
Tim- thought so, Lopez mentioned something about him staying with u

At that moment Jackson walked through the door

Jackson- oh no pls don't tell me our t.o's are here to collect us again for another lot of "missing money we took"
Lucy- no I have bad cramps and I'm staying at tims so he knows I'm ok
Jacksom- ooo romantic
Lucy- bruh we ain't even dating
Tim- exactly and it's unprofessional
Jackson- mk but I ship u 2
Lucy- course u d- owwwie

She falls to the floor holding her stomach in pain

Lucy- fuck me that hurt
Tim- no I won't fuck u, I mean unless sure my gf or wife, no
Lucy- shut up u know what I meant
Tim- ready
Lucy- Mhm

She gets up and goes to grab her bag of things but tim grabs it

Lucy- hey
Tim- what
Lucy- I'll carry it
Tim- no it's ok I've got it cmon
Lucy- ow it hurts too much to walk
Tim- omg do I have to carry u as well
Lucy- maybe

He carries her to the car and puts her bag in the trunk, he drives to his house and parks, tim takes her bag out and then they go inside to kojo

Lucy- who's a good boy
Tim- me
Lucy- your a good man but kojo is a good boy
Tim- Luce could we speak in a room where the dog isn't
Lucy- sure

They go into his bedroom and close the door, they sit on the edge of the bed next to each other

Tim- there's another reason I care so much about u
Lucy- hmm.
Tim- i-i-i have feelings for u
Lucy- I have feelings for u too

They give each other a little peck, the rest of the night tim helped lucy thru her cramps

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