𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒅

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Tw: Death, adoption

Lucy gets home form work today we tim and Tamara arguing , she closes the door and stops them

Lucy- U 2 better pack it in cus ur staying with each other for a whole week whilst I go uc
Tim- Seriously , no sexy time for a week?
Lucy- *rolls eyes*
Tam- Your leaving me with him?
Lucy- yes

The next morning she leaves and tim noticed tam was happy but thought it was cus lucy- was gone but little did he know it's cus her friend sent her a message saying "just to say I've always hated u and I feel bad for lucy  I mean who wanna live with u, no wonder your birth parents left u , oh wait they didn't they died 😂 , good luck finding a new friend "

She was like this for the next 3 days and tim decided to question her, she got home at 3

Tim- Tamara?
Tam- Mhm
Tim- u ok, u seem off?
Tam- it's nothing seriously

But a tear escapes her eye and she breaks down, tim holds her as she cries, they both sit onto he couch and when she calmed down she shows him the message

Tim- Oh tam, why didn't u say
Tam- idk
Tim- Listen, don't bother going in tmmr we can both stay home and go shopping or smth
Tam- really?
Tim- ye, also me and lucy both love u living here ok, ur like a daughter to lucy and I see why
Tam- thanks

The next day they spend the whole day bonding and when lucy home 2 days later she sees them on the couch watching a movie

Lucy- Hey u 2

Both of them jump up and run to her but tim gets there first spinning her around and kissing her, they hug and tam joins the hug

Lucy- u 2 friends now huh
Tam- yep
Tim- oh for sure, I'm just too cool
Tam- *laughs* wow


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