this is what u want is it pt 2

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Lucy drove to Angela's and knocked on the door in tears

Angela-What did he do? , oh Luce come in
Lucy- t-thanks

They sat down on the couch and Lucy explained what happened, she went to the bathroom and then there was a knock and it was tim

Tim- is Lucy here
Angela- dunno is she
Lucy- tim?
Tim- Lucy I need to speak to angela
Angela- well then me and u will go into the kitchen and Lucy wanna stay sat on the couch and wait
Lucy- ye sure thanks ang
Angela- it's ok, now u come with me

Her and tim went in the kitchen

Tim- look what did she tell u
Angela- everything , Bastardo, ella te ama tanto y la rompiste, ella quería ayudarte pero en lugar de eso enfureces a tu coño.( u bastard  she loves u so much and u broke her, she wanted to help u but instead u rages out her u cunt)
Tim- I know but it was about my dad he threatend mine n her relationship and I reacted wrongly
Angela- like hell u did u called her a bitch
Tim- I know
Angela- ok now here's what'll happen is were gonna go sit on the couch and your gonna apologize to Lucy

They walk in and Lucy was sat huddled in a ball balling her eyes out

Tim- hey luce.... Uh look i-i know how I reacted wasn't ideal and I'm sorry I relly am sorry , I do love u, a lot actually more then anyone ever has, listen if hour ready to talk I would like to tell u what was bothering me
Angela- just know tim I'm always gonna hold this against u
Lucy- u hurt me ( emotions not physically)
Tim- I know I'm sorry , ugh I can't stand seeing u in this pain

He gives her a hug and holds her in his arms

Tim- well the reason is, my dad threatened our relationship and threatened to kill u and I couldn't take it and I took it out on u, I'm so sorry
Lucy- it's ok but next time just talk to me
Tim- do u forgive me
Lucy- yes but if u do this ever again I'm gonna use more language with u like coño and bastardo
Tim- that's fair

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