(6x6)the end of lucy's happiness

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Lucy couldn't sleep all night, the past week she's been worrying about Tim and then he broke up with her, she goes on her phone gallery and looks at pictures of them when they were together, tam was at a friends and Lucy knew her happiness had ended, teams moving out and and tim left her not cus he doesn't love her, cus he doesn't think he's good enough which of course made Lucy sad as he was the best to her, she knew it wouldn't be worth the risk but he said it would be, she was drained

Lucy- *starts singing* Stars shining bright above you, night breezes seen to whisper I love you, birds singing in the Sycamore trees, dream a little dream of me, say nighty night and kiss me

She was stopped by her phone ringing , it was the last person she expected it to be


Was calling her, she couldn't change his contact name yet , she just ignored it and let it ring , it reminded her she was never gonna sleep next to him again, she cried and Tim tried messaging her loads but she ignored him, she had gotten no sleep and in the morning ing was shattered, she had a shower and chnshed, she dries her hair and brushed it, she did her makeup and tried covering her red puffy eyes but nothing  worked they were still red and puffy, she put her jewelry on and even the necklace Tim gave her on valentines Day, she got in her car and drove to work, she changed and went into roll call room

Grey- Chen?
Grey- Chen?
Grey- CHEN
Lucy- Huh what
Grey- u ok?
Lucy- mhm
Grey- Ok, your help is needed today by detective Harper and Lopez but first I wanna see u in my office
Tim- Is something on your mind that might be distracting you?

That was it for Lucy she couldn't take it, him acting like nothing happened, tears started falling from her eyes

Lucy- No sir
Grey- dismissed stay safe , Chen my office

She went into his office and he followed , they both sat down on his couch

Grey- what's happened?
Lucy- It's just I got no sleep last night cus I spent it crying all night
Grey- Tim didn't help?
Lucy- He's the reason why
Grey- what did he do
Lucy- Broke up with me , in the station parking lot *breaks down* and he's acting fine now

Grey pulls her into a hug and then Angela and nyla seen her crying

Angela- Lucy come with us

They all go in the break room

Nyla- Lucy what's wrong
Lucy- Tim h-he broke up with me yesterday in the station parking lot after he went through the interview
Angela- he's a dick, he doesn't deserve u luce
Lucy- no I didn't deserve him and he knows it

Tim went to get a coffee and walked into the break room to see Lucy breaking down on the chair whisky Angela and nyla were next to her

Tim- chen what's wrong
Angela- Maybe the fact she spent the shoel night crying cus someone broke her heart
Nyla- Your such a ass
Tim- Listen what I did doesn't concern u, not gonna lie but how's it my fault she got no sleep I tried to call her and text her many times she ignored me
Lucy- *shaky* t-tim I c-cant even f-find myself to cha-chanhe your contact n-name
Tim- I haven't changed your either yet
Lucy- Tim pls can we talk
Tim- Fine , my office at break

The 3 girls were saving cases to try distracting Lucy from her break up , she hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday but she didn't eat

Angela- Lucy u should eat something
Lucy- No I'm fine I ate lunch yesterday
Angela- When did u last eat?
Lucy- at lunch yesterday
Nyla- *concerned* Lucy u need to eat something
Angela- *concerned* I'll get go yk who
Nyla- Ye go be quick

Angela runs to take office and runs in closing the door

Tim- woah, slow down
Tim- What? Bullshit, she probably had dinner last night
Tim- Where is she?
Angela- She's really weak , at my desk

Lucy had passed out and Nolan, Celina, Aaron, grey and nyla were waking her up and then Angela and tim ran over

Nyla- She passed out
Nolan- Bailey said she should wake up soon
Tim- *holds her hand* Come on Lucy, wake up, I need u, we all need u Lucy

After a couple of minutes she woke up and tim hugged her

Lucy- No
Tim- what?
Lucy- No, that's not okay
Tim- Hugging u?
Lucy- *nods* u left me, u can't act like this now, that's not ok
Tim- hey listen I know it was wrong of me to do that and it wasn't fair but I love you Lucy, I wanna protect you
Lucy- no, no, no, no , no, no
Tim- I do, I love you so much Lucy
Lucy- Then why did u leave me?
Tim- I felt I wasn't good enough for you
Grey- Ok all of us will give u some space

They all go and Lucy sat against the wall

Lucy- Tim, u were the best for me, u were the one who kept me happy, I felt my happiness drain when u broke up with me, tams moving out as well so I'll be living alone for the rest of my life
Tim- is it too late to say I wanna spend the rest of my life with u
Lucy- it's never too late
Tim- *kisses her head* I'm sorry
Lucy- It's ok
Tin- How about we go get u something to eat?
Lucy- *shakes head* yes I'm starving

That was it she felt most of her happiness return, she walked to the break room hand in hand with her boyfriend, they sat down and he made her some food, she ate it and later that night when she got home he arrived not long after

Lucy- U sleeping?
Tim- Mhm
Lucy- YAY
Tim- *smiles* not gonna lie I forgot how comfy our bed was
Lucy- our bed?
Tim- Yep

He pulls her on the bed and tickles her , they both got changed and cuddled up to each other

Tim- I love u
Lucy- I love u


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