𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Angela- Bradford
Tim- Ya
Angela- If u see lucy tell her me and nyla are dragging her along for drinks tonight
Tim- mk

20 mins later lucy was sat at her desk looking real pissed off, tim went and sat next to her

Tim- Chen?
Lucy- what
Tim- Angela said that she's dragging u with her and nyla for drinks tonight
Lucy- thanks god I can't take this anymore
Tim- u ok?
Lucy- *sarcastically* Mhm perfectly fine
Tim-*jokingly* someone's on there period
Lucy- Ye I am, that a problem?
Tim- No it was a joke
Lucy- Mhm *lays head on desk*
Tim- What's going on
Lucy- Cramps
Tim- U took any medicine?
Lucy- A whole bottle
Tim- don't think ur suppose to take all that
Lucy- Ye bye *gets up and walks off*

It got to 8pm and lucy was driving to the bar she gets there and sees nyla and Angela stood at the door and lucy goes up to them

Lucy- hey girls
Angela- Hi

They go in and order drinks , It hit 12am and all 3 girls were extremely drunk

Lucy- GuEsS wHaT gIrLs
Angela- WhAt
Lucy- I lOvE tImOtHy BrAdFoRd HeS sO hOt AnD i LoVe HiM AlOt Do U tHiNk He LiKeS mE bAcK
Nyla- mOsT Definitely
Angela- hE dOeS hE tOlD mE
bartender- Ok ladies you've had enough to drink
Lucy- AwHh, cAn U cAlL tImOtHy To PiCk Us Up *giggles*
Bartender- do you know his number?
Lucy- yA iT'S, **************
Bartender- I shall get him to come

Tims POV:
I woke up to my phone ringing I answered and got told 3 girls were asking for me to pick them up, he described nyla angela and lucy, I got in my car and drove to the bar and went in

Normal pov:

bartender- Timothy?
Tim- uh ye
Bartender- guessed so, there over there
Tim- thanks *walks over *ok which one of u wanted me to get u
Lucy- Me Of CoUrSe YoUr HoT yOu KnOw
Angela- TaKe Me HoMeEeE
nyla- i WaNnA gO hOmE aNd SlEeP

Tim  drops nyla off then angela and then takes lucy to his and they go in but she was a bit more sober but still kinda drunk

Lucy- I love u little Timmy
Tim- Ok your drunk lucy
Lucy- No I'm very sober *walks into wall*
Tim- Now u are
Lucy- It's true I lovveeeeee you
Tim- I love u too, now u need to go to sleep I'll take the couch u can take my bed
Lucy- Noo, come with me, what if a bad man breaks in and gets me
Tim- *rolls eyes* fine let's go

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