Baby fever

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Tim- babe everyone's here
Lucy- Ok on my way , Just need to finish up my makeup
Tim- u really don't need it baby
Lucy- go away
Tim- ok
Angela- thanks again for letting us all come here to meet the baby
Tim- it's ok

Everyone meets the baby and after like an hour lucy walks out

Tim- I thought u were dead
Lucy- no I kept trying to choose an outfit
Tim- baby u look sexy in everything
Lucy- eh anyway where's little grace
Angela- here u go

Lucy holds the small fragile baby girl in her arms, she speaks to grace in a baby voice

Lucy- who's the cutest little girl in the world, it's u, yes it is

She hands her back to angela and looks at tim

Lucy- tim I want a baby
Tim- no
Lucy- yes
Tim- baby no
Lucy- I'll divorce u
Tim- were not married
Lucy- exactly
Tim- fine
Lucy- well we work on it every night
Tim- mm how are u not alread pregnant
Lucy- mmm dunno
Nyla- imagine if u are
Lucy- dunno, I've been being sick every morning and craving weird things
Angela- your pregnant
Lucy- no
Nyla- yes u are
Angela- are u late
Lucy- by like 2 weeks
Angela- do u have any tests ?
Lucy- ye why?
Luna- take one
Lucy- ok?
Tim- mm baby don't leave me again
Lucy- ill be back
Grey- well at least we know u guys are having a baby soon
Tim- maybe getting married
Lucy- huh
Tim- nothing
Lucy- ok well I've took one footage wait 15 mins
Celina- imagine u are
Aaron- wait how old are u 2
Lucy- 28
Tim- 39 why
Nolan- oldies
Lucy- ur fuckign 49 mate stfu
Bailey- I'm only 42
Lucy- gurl u look like 16

After 15 mins of awkward conversations, the timer went off

Lucy- baby u look first

He looks and then so does she


He jumps around happy then spins lucy round kissing her

Wesley- looks like y'all are getting a  new station baby
Tim- I love u so much baby

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