No kids for you

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Lucy is in the station with nyla-, Nolan walks up to them and god forbid he wanted to talk to a pregnant Lucy, she has no filter

Nolan- I'm going to get a coffee want any
Lucy- get me chocolate or else I'll taze u in the balls
Nyla- lucy...

Nyla signals tim over on the radios as he walks over he hears nolan scream, him, grey, angela, Celina and Aaron or run over to see Lucy laughing putting her tazer away

Lucy- no kids for u, I mean u should've just agreed to get me my chocolate

She sees tim and looks at him

Lucy- ok hi baby
Tim- hello my love, what did u do to him
Nolan- t-tazed m-my b-ba-balls
Lucy- I warned u
Nyla- she did she said " get me chocolate or else I'll taze u in the balls" , he said no so here we are
Tim- well played baby girl

Sorry it's short

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