𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒌 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝒊𝒎 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆...

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Lucy and tim  were stood next to each other in greys office, they put on the cctv from Angela's wedding and saw he was shot, lucy nearly collapsed but tim held her, she immediately broke down into tears , Nolan had a couple tears fall form his eye and nyla was shocked on what just happened but was upset, grey was the same as Nolan, tim was shocked and sad but was there to comfort lucy as he was on the floor with her

Tim- it's ok baby I'm here
Lucy- *crying* h-hes dead , I failed to save him
Grey- chen it's no ones fault except LA fiera
Lucy- how do we explain to Angela he's dead
Nyla- Luce , ik ur thinking of others but u need to worryy about your self ok, we're all upset but u were the closest to him
Tim- sweetheart, let's go to the break room so u can get some air
Lucy- o-ok

Tim had to carry her cus she was so upset, he carried her on his hip and she cried into his shoulder, when they got there he placed her on the couch and got her a bottle of icey water, she drank a bit, she calmed down a bit and then went to see e Nolan in the roll call room

Nolan- how u holding up
Lucy- I just can't believe he's gone, it doesn't feel real, but I need to focus on getting Angela back instead of getting everyone to feel bad for me I mean Angela's been kidnapped God I've been so selfish
Grey- chen no u haven't
Tim- babe I'd heartbreaking to see your best friend be shot

He hugs her

Nyla- but where would LA fiera take Angela
Nolan- how do u know
Nolan- I Just do
Lucy- well she blames the lapd for the death of Diego and Angela was at the scene where it happened, both women bonded over motherhood so nothing would break Angela more then taking her baby
Nyla- that, that I believe
Grey- everyone get some restss, especially u chen
Tim- don't worry sir I shall make sure she gets all the sleep needed
Lucy- how can I sleep knowing my best friend died and my other best friend has been kidnapped
Nyla- ye she's right
Lucy- I wonder how wesleys holding up

Wesley went to Elijah stone and met him

Elijah- what's up councerler
Wesley- I need a favour
Elijah- like what
Wesley- my wife has been taken by LA fiera and I need to know where they are
Elijah- easy
Wesley- in Guatemala
Elijah- oh now u see that's gonna be harder so u know what this means
Wesley- I do
Elijah- say it
Wesley- I become a crooked lawyer for u and give stuff to inmates for u
Elijah- good, I'll call u when ik, keep on loud

Wesley goes home and waits for his phone to ring whilst lucy and tim got to his house

Lucy- baby
Tim- yes sweetheart
Lucy- can I wear some of your joggers and a T-shirt to bed pls
Tim- *chuckles* course u can hunney

She puts his joggers and T-shirt on and wipes off her makeup from earlier that day, she sits up in bed and tim  puts on checkered PJ trousers , he decided to sleep shirtless so he takes his top off and lays next to lucy, she lays her head on his chest and he cuddles her

Lucy- babe
Tim- yes baby
Lucy- am I too clingy
Tim- no of course not baby
Lucy- u sure?
Tim- Mhm I'm sure

He was heartbroken hearing her think that, he remembered she had a horrible relationship with Chris and Emmet but hearing her say that broke him

Lucy- how u holding up
Tim- angry and a little bit upset
Lucy- I'm here ok
Tim- ik, come on let's get some sleep

They managed to fall asleep for an hour till tims phone was rining it was Wesley

Tim- Bradford
Wesley- tim  I have a location on Angela I've told everyone to meet at urs if u don't mind
Tim- not at all, I'll tell lucy
Wealey- thanks

They hang up

Lucy- *sleepily* who was it?
Tim- wesley, he has a location on Angela

Lucy- jumps out of bed and brushes her hair as it was a mess, she ties it in a high pony tail to get it out her face but leaves 2 strands beside her face
Tim- u look stunning baby
Lucy- do I really Im literally half asleep but I'm not letting them see my bed hair

Tim goes to kiss her but she pulls back

Tim- what's wrong
Lucy- I haven't brushed my teeth yet  is what
Tim- idc *kisses her*
Lucy- I'm happy we've finally found Angela but I need to brush my teeth before they all get here

She quickly brushes her teeth and then her and tim sit on the couch well tim was lucy was sat on his lap, there was a knock on the door so lucy let them all in and sat back down on tim

Wesley- ik where she is, she's in Guatemala at LA fieras house which is impossible to get Angela out of cus it's crawling with security

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