𝑷𝒐𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒚 𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒚

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Lucy and tim were sleeping at tims, Lucy woke up at 4am and seen a wet patch on the bed and shined her phone on it

Lucy's POV:

Shit i got my period on tims bed, Is he gonna break up with me

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door, I started crying silently so I didn't wake tim but he woke up and heard me

Tims POV:

I wake up and see a red patch on the bed that looks like blood, I look for Lucy and hear her crying in the bathroom

Normal POV:

He knocks on the bathroom door

Tim- babe what's wrong
Lucy- I'm so sorry
Tim- hey what's up

She unlocks the door and falls in his arms as he holds her

Lucy- *pulls away and walks into the bedroom * I'm so sorry babe I'll buy u new sheets
Tim- awh babe did u get your period?
Lucy- *cries even more* Mhm
Tim- Hey it's ok, I'm not mad, I've hated these sheets u gave me a reason to get new ones thanks
Lucy- I'll clean hold on

She wa about to walk over but tim- grabbed her arm

Tim- Sweetheart look at me, Im not mad at you , it's not your fault
Lucy- really?
Tim- yep
Lucy- ok *hugs him*

After she was calm she walked over to do the bed

Tim- I'll do it
Lucy- No I can
Tim- u sure
Lucy- Mhm

She strips the bed and thankfully it didn't go through to the sheets , she puts hem in the trash and they put on new sheets, she starts feeling nauseous half way through and runs to the toilet and throws up, tim runs in behind and Ties her hair up in a bun and rubs her back

Tim- Awhh sweetheart

After she stops she washes up

Tim- why don't u have a bath
Lucy- *nods*
Tim- I'll run you a bath u get ready ok
Lucy- thanks babe *kisses him*
Tim- *kisses back* I love you
Lucy- I love you too

He runs her a bath and puts some bath salt and a bath bomb in and it made the water sparkly, he adds bubbles and she got in, he sat next to her

Lucy- what u doing
Tim- keeping u company
Lucy- whilst I'm in the bath
Tim- Mhm, number one I'm not lonely and number 2 i get to see you naked    *Chuckles*
Lucy- wow *splashes him and giggles*
Tim- I'm all wet now
Lucy- Good
Tim- guess that means I have to join you
Lucy- the water will be gross tho
Tim- idc as long as I'm with u *whispers* plus your making me hard
Lucy- *giggles * i always do

He strips off and goes behind her so she was laying on him

Lucy- u know what weird
Tim- what?
Lucy- this is the first time I've ever felt sick on my period
Tim- mm.. Well after this, I'll go get u some pads and tampons or whateva and then I'll get u a shit load of food
Lucy- mmm that sounds good, could u get me some medicine
Tim- ofc babe

They get out and dry off , tim let Lucy wear some joggers and T-shirt and hen he went and got eveyrhifn and came back 30 mins later

Lucy- *raspy* hiii
Tim- Here's some water and your medicine

She takes the medicine and layed down, tim layed with her

Lucy-  babe
Tim- Mhm
Lucy- when will this kick in
Tim- about 3 minutes
Lucy- Good I can't take the sick feeling any longer
Tim- Try go back to sleep

They both end up falling asleep cuddling til 9am when Lucy woke up again and ran tot he toilet being sick, tim was sleeping soundly and didn't hear anything until 10am he woke up and saw Lucy layed outside the bathroom on the floor

Tim- What are you doing? *chuckles*
Lucy- idk, floors are comfy and I can't be asked to get up
Tim- Fair enough

After a couple days she was feeling better

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