Clingy Baby

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Tim woke up at 4am , he ran to the toilet and threw up, 2 mins later lucy went to hug him and woke up rleizing he want there, she hears him in the bathroom and ran in

Lucy- Oh sweetheart

She rubs his back , he stopped and lent on the wall

Tim- sorry I'll clean it off the floor
Lucy- No baby your sick, go back to bed I'll do it
Tim- U sure?
Lucy- Mhm , lemme help u back to bed first

She helps him back to their room, he changes pj's and lucy grabs him so water and medicine and gives it to him, she clean the bathroom floor and then lays with him

Tim- thanks
Lucy- it's ok
Tim- *cuddles into her*

For the rest of the day he was really clingy

Sorry it's short I've had a vaccination and my arm is aching like hell

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