I want u to push me against the wall

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Lucy and Tim was at his house and it was 7pm, Tim was layed on the bed and Lucy was sat on the couch, they just had an argument but Lucy walked into his room and he could see she'd been crying

Tim- u ok baby?
Lucy- *nods*
Tim- Hey, ik we've had a little argument but I doesn't mean we can't talk
Lucy- I know *tear falls*

She goes into the bathroom and comes out in one of time large t-shirts and her short shorts, he gets up and pulls her in for a hug

Lucy- I'm sorry
Tim- I'm sorry as well
Lucy- *hugs back*

She went into the bedroom and he followed but kept looking at her ass

Lucy- why are u staring at my ass?
Tim- how can I not
Lucy- *chuckles* u want some haha
Tim- all the time
Lucy- Even at work?
Tim- even at work, the uniforms are so tight it makes your ass and boobs stick out
Lucy- Next time I want u push me against the wall and kiss me
Tim- mk , when have we both got work
Lucy- In the morning
Tim- Perfect

The next day at work, Lucy and Tim were the last out roll call, she had to walk to his office to grab something, they were in the middle of the station and Tim grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall making out with her

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